标签:style blog io ar color os sp for on
1. 此树是二叉搜索树
2. 任意节点的左右子树高度差的绝对值不超过1
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <algorithm> 3 #include <stdlib.h> 4 using namespace std; 5 typedef struct AVLTree{ 6 int data; 7 struct AVLTree *lchild, *rchild; 8 int height; 9 }AVLTree, *PAVLTree; 10 int getHeight(PAVLTree T) 11 { 12 int height = 0; 13 if (T != NULL) 14 { 15 height = 1; 16 if (T->lchild != NULL) 17 height = T->lchild->height + 1; 18 if (T->rchild != NULL) 19 height = max(height, T->rchild->height) + 1; 20 } 21 return height; 22 //recursion version 23 // if (T != NULL) 24 // return max(getHeight(T->lchild), getHeight(T->rchild)) + 1; 25 // else 26 // return 0; 27 } 28 //LL type 29 PAVLTree SingleLeft(PAVLTree A) 30 { 31 PAVLTree B = A->lchild; 32 A->lchild = B->rchild; 33 B->rchild = A; 34 A->height = max(getHeight(A->lchild), getHeight(A->rchild)) + 1; 35 B->height = max(getHeight(B->lchild), getHeight(B->rchild)) + 1; 36 return B; 37 } 38 //RR type 39 PAVLTree SingleRight(PAVLTree A) 40 { 41 PAVLTree B = A->rchild; 42 A->rchild = B->lchild; 43 B->lchild = A; 44 //update height 45 A->height = max(getHeight(A->lchild), getHeight(A->rchild)); 46 B->height = max(getHeight(B->lchild), getHeight(B->rchild)); 47 return B; 48 } 49 //LR type 50 PAVLTree Double_Left_Right(PAVLTree A) 51 { 52 A->lchild = SingleRight(A->lchild); 53 return SingleLeft(A); 54 } 55 //RL type 56 PAVLTree Double_Right_Left(PAVLTree A) 57 { 58 A->rchild = SingleLeft(A->rchild); 59 return SingleRight(A); 60 } 61 //insert function 62 PAVLTree insert_AVL_tree(int data, PAVLTree T) 63 { 64 //the process same as binary search tree, but keep balance of the tree after inserted data 65 if (T == NULL) 66 { 67 T = (PAVLTree)malloc(sizeof(AVLTree)); 68 T->data = data; 69 T->lchild = T->rchild = NULL; 70 T->height = 0; 71 } 72 if (data < T->data) 73 { 74 T->lchild = insert_AVL_tree(data, T->lchild); 75 //if can not meeting the conditions 76 if (getHeight(T->lchild) - getHeight(T->rchild) == 2) 77 { 78 if (data < T->lchild->data) 79 { 80 T = SingleLeft(T); 81 } 82 else 83 T = Double_Left_Right(T); 84 } 85 } 86 //if can not meeting the conditions 87 else if (data > T->data) 88 { 89 T->rchild = insert_AVL_tree(data, T->rchild); 90 if (getHeight(T->lchild) - getHeight(T->rchild) == -2) 91 { 92 if (data > T->rchild->data) 93 T = SingleRight(T); 94 else 95 T = Double_Right_Left(T); 96 } 97 } 98 //update the height 99 T->height = max(getHeight(T->lchild), getHeight(T->rchild)) + 1; 100 101 return T; 102 103 104 } 105 //previous order traverse 106 void preOrderTraverse(PAVLTree T) 107 { 108 if (T != NULL) 109 { 110 cout << T->data << " "; 111 preOrderTraverse(T->lchild); 112 preOrderTraverse(T->rchild); 113 } 114 } 115 int main() 116 { 117 int n; 118 cin >> n;//the number of test data 119 int t; 120 PAVLTree root = NULL; 121 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 122 { 123 cin >> t; 124 root = insert_AVL_tree(t, root);//create the AVL tree 125 } 126 preOrderTraverse(root);//show the result 127 return 0; 128 }
标签:style blog io ar color os sp for on