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基于Python和numpy,自带基于Tk最简仿原生2048配色的图形界面。文件代码行数(Physical LOC)一共99,因为是Python所以逻辑行数未必。
Not Pythonic, PEP8 is not followed.
1) 方块合并时从滑动所指方向开始合并,合并不递归,比如:
| |2|2|2|向右滑动后,最右两块合并,变为| | |2|4|
|2|2|2|2|向右滑动后,最右和最左两块分别合并,变为| | |4|4|
2) 每次滑动后如果方块发生了变化则生成新方块,新方块的取值集为{2, 4},4出现的概率是0.1,初始化游戏产生两个新方块。
3) 游戏的分数是累加每次合并得到的新方块的值。
1) 核心模块,用一个4x4矩阵表示游戏中方块的数值,没有方块的位置值为nan。基本思想是用concatenate函数实现方块的移动,用将矩阵扩展成5x4并错开一行和原矩阵相减得到列方向相邻相同的方块位置。
1 from numpy import random, array, zeros, append, sum, concatenate, copy, ndenumerate, isnan, rot90, nan, int, float 2 DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT = range(4) 3 4 class Game2048: 5 def __init__(self): 6 self._grid, self._score = zeros(16) + nan, 0 7 self._grid[random.choice(16, 2, replace=False)] = random.choice([2]*9+[4], 2, replace=False) # init with 2 tiles 8 self._grid = self._grid.reshape((4, 4)) # create 4x4 grid 9 10 @staticmethod 11 def _merge_down(grid): 12 merge = concatenate((grid, [zeros(4) + nan])) - concatenate(([zeros(4) + nan], grid)) # find the mergable tiles 13 merge[2][merge[3]==0], merge[1][merge[2]==0] = nan, nan # remove redundant 0 by 3 same tiles 14 score = sum(grid[merge[:4] == 0]) 15 grid[merge[:4] == 0], grid[merge[1:] == 0] = grid[merge[:4] == 0] * 2, nan # fill the merged with new number 16 return score 17 18 def _create_tiles(self): 19 avail = isnan(self._grid) 20 if avail[avail==True].size > 0: 21 new_tiles = append(random.choice([20]*9+[40]), zeros(avail[avail==True].size - 1) + nan) 22 random.shuffle(new_tiles) 23 self._grid[avail] = new_tiles 24 25 def step(self, direction): 26 self._grid[self._grid%10==0] /= 10 27 merge_v, merge_h, grid_copy = copy(self._grid), copy(rot90(self._grid)), copy(self._grid) 28 map(Game2048._merge_down, [merge_v, merge_h]) # try to merge tiles along two directions 29 if merge_v[isnan(merge_v)].size is 0 and merge_h[isnan(merge_h)].size is 0: # Check if game is over 30 return False 31 self._grid = rot90(self._grid, RIGHT - direction) 32 self._grid = array([concatenate((x[isnan(x)], x[~isnan(x)])) for x in self._grid]) # move tiles 33 self._grid = rot90(self._grid, -1) 34 self._score += Game2048._merge_down(self._grid) # merge tiles 35 self._grid = rot90(self._grid, 1) 36 self._grid = array([concatenate((x[isnan(x)], x[~isnan(x)])) for x in self._grid]) # move tiles 37 self._grid = rot90(self._grid, direction - RIGHT) 38 if not ((self._grid == grid_copy) | (isnan(self._grid) & isnan(grid_copy))).all(): 39 self._create_tiles() 40 return True 41 42 def get_grid(self): 43 grid = copy(self._grid) 44 grid[grid%10==0] /= 10 45 return grid 46 47 def get_new_tiles(self): 48 grid = zeros((4, 4), int) 49 grid[self._grid%10==0] = 1 50 return grid 51 52 def get_score(self): 53 return self._score
2) GUI模块,直接捕捉键盘的上下左右4个按键移动方块,窗体标题栏显示游戏相关信息,无动画,新出现的方块用橙色表示,使用大多数Python版本中内置的GUI库Tk实现,代码如下:
1 from Tkinter import Tk, Label, Frame, BOTH 2 from tkFont import Font 3 from game2048 import Game2048, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, ndenumerate, copy, isnan 4 5 key_map = {‘Up‘: UP, ‘Down‘: DOWN, ‘Left‘: LEFT, ‘Right‘: RIGHT} 6 color_map = {2: (‘#776e65‘, ‘#eee4da‘), 4: (‘#776e65‘, ‘#ede0c8‘), 8: (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#f2b179‘), 16: (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#f2b179‘), 7 32: (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#f67c5f‘), 64: (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#f65e3b‘), 128:(‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#edcf72‘), 256: (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#edcc61‘), 8 512: (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#edc850‘), 1024: (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#edc53f‘), 2048: (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#edc22e‘), ‘base‘: ‘#ccc0b3‘} 9 color_map.update(dict.fromkeys([2**x for x in range(12, 18)], (‘#f9f6f2‘, ‘#3c3a32‘))) 10 11 def input_listener(event=None, game=None, tk_root=None, labels=None): 12 key = ‘{}‘.format(event.keysym) 13 if key in key_map and game and labels and tk_root: 14 if game.step(key_map[key]): 15 grid, new_tiles, score = game.get_grid(), game.get_new_tiles(), int(game.get_score()) 16 max_tile = int(grid[~isnan(grid)].max()) 17 tk_root.title(‘Move tiles to get {}! Score: {}‘.format(2048 if max_tile < 2048 else max_tile * 2, score)) 18 for (i, j), value in ndenumerate(grid): 19 text = ‘{}‘.format(‘‘ if isnan(grid[i][j]) else int(grid[i][j])) 20 font_color = color_map[32][1] if new_tiles[i][j] else color_map[‘base‘] if isnan(value) else color_map[value][0] 21 labels[4*i+j].config(text=text, fg=font_color, bg=color_map[‘base‘] if isnan(value) else color_map[value][1]) 22 else: 23 grid, new_tiles, score = game.get_grid(), game.get_new_tiles(), int(game.get_score()) 24 max_tile = int(grid[~isnan(grid)].max()) 25 [labels[i].config(text=‘‘ if i < 4 or i > 11 else ‘GAMEOVER‘[i-4], bg=color_map[‘base‘]) for i in xrange(16)] 26 tk_root.title(‘Game Over! Tile acheived: {}, Score: {}‘.format(max_tile, score)) 27 28 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: 29 game, root, window_size = Game2048(), Tk(), 360 30 root.title(‘Move tiles to get 2048! Score: 0‘) 31 root.geometry(‘{0}x{0}+111+111‘.format(window_size)) 32 root.config(background=‘#bbada0‘) 33 34 grid, labels = game.get_grid(), [] 35 for (i, j), value in ndenumerate(grid): 36 frame = Frame(root, width=window_size/4-2, height=window_size/4-2) 37 font = Font(family=‘Helvetica‘, weight=‘bold‘, size=window_size/15) 38 frame.pack_propagate(0) 39 frame.place(x=j*window_size/4+1, y=i*window_size/4+1) 40 (text, color) = (‘‘, color_map[‘base‘]) if isnan(value) else (‘{}‘.format(int(value)), color_map[value][0]) 41 label = Label(frame, text=text, font=font, fg=color, bg=color_map[‘base‘] if isnan(value) else color_map[value][1]) 42 label.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) 43 labels.append(label) 44 45 root.bind_all(‘<Key>‘, lambda event: input_listener(event, game=game, tk_root=root, labels=labels)) 46 root.mainloop()
GitHub: https://github.com/frombeijingwithlove/mini2048
标签:style blog http io ar color os 使用 sp