Sub 查询_观察者网_网友评论() On Error Resume Next Cells.Clear Set oDoc = CreateObject("htmlfile") With CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") .Open "GET", "", False .send tt = "a=" & .responseText With CreateObject("msscriptcontrol.scriptcontrol") .Language = "JavaScript" .AddCode tt m = .Eval("a.cursor.pages") End With For i = 1 To m .Open "GET", "" & i, False .send tt = "a=" & .responseText With CreateObject("msscriptcontrol.scriptcontrol") .Language = "JavaScript" .AddCode tt n = .Eval("a.response.length") p = Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Row For j = 0 To n - 1 oDoc.Body.innerHTML = .Eval("a.response[" & j & "].message") Cells(j + 1 + p, 1) = oDoc.all(0).innerText Cells(j + 1 + p, 2) = .Eval("a.response[" & j & "].thread.title") Next j End With Next i End With End Sub