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--t:hx_t_waterusedamount--用水水量 hx_t_waterusedamountid
--hx_frecordtype(抄表类型):正常,000,000 估水,000,001 未抄见,000,002
--hx_festimateamountreason(估水原因):不用水,000,000 无表,000,001 防冻,000,002 表停,000,003
--hx_fnotrecordreason(未抄见原因):未见表,000,000 有水,000,001 表埋,000,002 锁门,000,003 表不清,000,004
declare @begin_date datetime declare @end_date datetime select @begin_date = getdate() --count(w.hx_t_waterusedamountid) as '应抄表数', declare @hx_ClosingAccountInfoId uniqueidentifier set @hx_ClosingAccountInfoId='08AFEF9F-E174-46F2-855A-32F26BE38F3B' declare @BusinessunitId uniqueidentifier set @BusinessunitId='6FE6FE55-5945-E411-9402-6CAE8B22702D' -----------------SQL正文----------------------------------------------------------执行时间: declare @FMonth int declare @FYear int select @FYear=t.hx_FYear,@FMonth=t.hx_FMonth from hx_ClosingAccountInfo t where hx_ClosingAccountInfoId=@hx_ClosingAccountInfoId --select @FYear,@FMonth if @BusinessunitId is null begin select s.fullname fullname, w.hx_fzone hx_fzone, 1 as AllCounts, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000000' then 1 else 0 end Normal, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason='100000000' then 1 else 0 end NotUseWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason='100000001' then 1 else 0 end NoMeterWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason='100000002' then 1 else 0 end antifreeze, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason='100000003' then 1 else 0 end MeterStop, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason not in('100000000','100000001','100000002','100000003') then 1 else 0 end OtherWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000000' then 1 else 0 end NotSeeMeterWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000001' then 1 else 0 end HaveWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000002' then 1 else 0 end MeterWaterBuried, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000003' then 1 else 0 end LockDoor, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000004' then 1 else 0 end MeterWaterFuzzy, case when w.hx_freading is null then 1 else 0 end hx_freading, w.hx_fpayamount hx_fpayamount, r.hx_freceivablefee hx_freceivablefee, r.hx_fcollchargesreceivable4 hx_fcollchargesreceivable4 from hx_t_waterusedamount w inner join hx_t_receivable r on w.hx_t_waterusedamountid=r.hx_fusedamountid and w.hx_frecorder is not null and w.hx_fstate='100000006' and w.hx_FYear=@FYear and w.hx_FMonth=@FMonth --and inner join systemuser s on w.hx_frecorder=s.systemuserid end else begin select s.fullname fullname, w.hx_fzone hx_fzone, 1 as AllCounts, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000000' then 1 else 0 end Normal, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason='100000000' then 1 else 0 end NotUseWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason='100000001' then 1 else 0 end NoMeterWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason='100000002' then 1 else 0 end antifreeze, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason='100000003' then 1 else 0 end MeterStop, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000001' and w.hx_festimateamountreason not in('100000000','100000001','100000002','100000003') then 1 else 0 end OtherWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000000' then 1 else 0 end NotSeeMeterWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000001' then 1 else 0 end HaveWater, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000002' then 1 else 0 end MeterWaterBuried, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000003' then 1 else 0 end LockDoor, case when w.hx_frecordtype='100000002' and w.hx_fnotrecordreason='100000004' then 1 else 0 end MeterWaterFuzzy, case when w.hx_freading is null then 1 else 0 end hx_freading, w.hx_fpayamount hx_fpayamount, r.hx_freceivablefee hx_freceivablefee, r.hx_fcollchargesreceivable4 hx_fcollchargesreceivable4 from hx_t_waterusedamount w inner join hx_t_receivable r on w.hx_t_waterusedamountid=r.hx_fusedamountid and w.hx_fdepartmentid=@BusinessunitId and w.hx_frecorder is not null and w.hx_fstate='100000006' and w.hx_FYear=@FYear and w.hx_FMonth=@FMonth --and inner join systemuser s on w.hx_frecorder=s.systemuserid end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --group by s.fullname, w.hx_fzone,w.hx_fpayamount,r.hx_freceivablefee,r.hx_fcollchargesreceivable4 select @end_date = getdate() select datediff(ms,@begin_date,@end_date) as '用时/毫秒' --and w.hx_fdepartmentid=@BusinessunitId
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