November 20, 2014 19:00~21:00 Feishang Cafe
‘Hi everyone. I am Tom, and I am the Timer tonight, to help you finish your speech on time...‘ Yeah, I was the Timer tonight. I had prepared it for an afternoon, including making the evaluation form
and imitating scenarios. This time I found what I spoke was more than what I listened. As a Timer, firstly thank Neo giving me the precious chance, because I am a guest. And I found that it was me that control and schedule the whole meeting.
To help Gary finish his CC3 speech, I gave him one more minute, even though the evaluator Alicia didn‘t give him pass. When I stood before everyone and gave my evaluation report, I felt a little muddled. But I slowed down my speed and tried to glance at everyone,
which was useful.
What the biggest harvest was that David told me that my accent was just like an Russian, and Neo also pointed that what I spoke could not make people easy to understand, because I didn‘t have an articulate pronunciation, even though I had practiced the opening remarks for many times. So I understood why my IELTS Speaking only got 4.5. (The other three R, W, L are qualified for HKU, only Speaking needs 5.5. Below is my IELTS result)
I will pay more attention to my pronunciation. In fact, not only when I speek English, but also when I speek Chinese, it seems that there is something in my mouth, still not articulate. Before this, I didn‘t pay attention to my pronunciation, in contrast I thought it would not affect my IELTS Speaking. What a precious suggestion!
(Attaching tonight agenda)
toastmasters(November 20, 2014)