标签:style io ar color sp for on cti bs
Given two sorted integer arrays A and B, merge B into A as one sorted array.
You may assume that A has enough space (size that is greater or equal to m + n) to hold additional elements from B. The number of elements initialized in A and B are m andn respectively.
#include<stdio.h> void merge(int A[], int m, int B[], int n) { int i,j; int k=m+n-1; for(i=m-1,j=n-1;i>=0&&j>=0;k--){ if(A[i]<B[j]) { A[k]=B[j]; j--; } else{ A[k]=A[i]; i--; } } if(i>=0){ for(;i>=0;i--,k--) A[k]=A[i]; } else if(j>=0){ for(;j>=0;j--,k--) A[k]=B[j]; } return; } void main(){ int A[22]={1,2,7,8,12,13,14}; int B[]={}; merge(A,7,B,0); int i,j; for(i=0;i<22;i++) printf("%d\n",A[i]); return; }
标签:style io ar color sp for on cti bs