/********************************************************* Code writer : EOF Code file : stack.h Code date : 2014.11.26 Email : Code description: Here is a implementation of a naive computer It based on two stack scheme which was found by Dijkstra. *********************************************************/ #ifndef _STACK_H #define _STACK_H 1 #define EMPTY 0 #define NON_EMPTY 1 #define ARRAYSIZE 1024 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> struct node { int data; struct node* next; }; int computer(void); struct node* creat_stack(void); int push_stack(struct node** pp_top,int number); int is_empty(struct node* p_node); void release_stack(struct node* p_top); #endif
/************************************************************* code writer : EOF Code file : computer_test.c code date : 2014.03.03 e-mail : code purpose : This is just a test code for "Lisa" that I created. If there is something wrong with my code, please touche me by e-mail. #ATTENTION# You must input with '(' and ')' for each operator, otherwise you will be puzzle about the result of output. Usage: (1+2) would output 3 (1+((2*3)+1)) == 8 If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail. ******************************************************************/ #include "stack.h" int main() { int number = 0; printf("Hello ! This is a naive computer." "Her name is 'Lisa' :)\n"); number = computer(); printf("The result of your inputed :%d\n",number); return 0; }
/********************************************************* Code writer : EOF Code file : computer.c Code date : 2014.11.26 Email : Version : 0.0 Code description: code purpose : This code is my implementation for function creat_stack. functin creat_stack would creat a the first node of the stack and just only the first node. You must know what is stack... #ATTENTION# You must input with '(' and ')' for each operator, otherwise you will be puzzle about the result of output. Usage: (1+2) would output 3 (1+((2*3)+1)) == 8 If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail. *********************************************************/ #include "stack.h" int computer(void) { char string[ARRAYSIZE] = {0}; /* ** According to Dijsktra's Two Stack scheme, ** we creat two stack. ** @p_stack_operand is pointer which point to ** a stack only for operand in the inputed string. ** So do @p_stack_operator. */ struct node* p_stack_operand = NULL; struct node* p_stack_operator = NULL; p_stack_operand = creat_stack(); p_stack_operator = creat_stack(); int temp = 0; int result = 0; int opr_one = 0; int opr_two = 0; char operator = 0; /* ** Evil --> --> scanf("%s",&string); ** ** scanf family is not safe for string which is inputed. ** I decide to give it up and use system call read(). */ if(read(STDIN_FILENO,string,ARRAYSIZE) < 0) { printf("system call read() error" " in function %s()\n",__FUNCTION__); } for(temp = 0;string[temp] != '\n';temp++) { if(string[temp] == '(') { continue; } if(string[temp] == ')') { opr_one = pop_stack(p_stack_operand); opr_two = pop_stack(p_stack_operand); operator = pop_stack(p_stack_operator); switch(operator) { case '+': { push_stack(&p_stack_operand, opr_one + opr_two); break; }; case '-': { push_stack(&p_stack_operand, opr_one - opr_two); break; }; case '*': { push_stack(&p_stack_operand, opr_one * opr_two); break; }; case '/': { push_stack(&p_stack_operand, opr_one / opr_two); break; }; default: goto out; result = -1; printf("ERROR!undefined " "operator %c\n",operator); } } if(string[temp] >= '0' && string[temp] <= '9') { push_stack(&p_stack_operand,string[temp] - '0'); continue; } if(string[temp] == '+' || string[temp] == '-'|| string[temp] == '*' || string[temp] == '/') { push_stack(&p_stack_operator,string[temp]); continue; } } /* ** Finally, We got the result which is stored in stack--operand */ result = pop_stack(p_stack_operand); out: release_stack(p_stack_operand); release_stack(p_stack_operator); return result; }
/********************************************************************* code writer : EOF code date : 2014.03.03 e-mail : **********************************************************************/ #include "stack.h" struct node* creat_stack(void) { struct node* p_top = NULL; p_top = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(p_top == NULL) { printf("malloc failed\n"); } p_top->next = NULL; while(is_empty(p_top) == NON_EMPTY) { pop_stack(p_top); } return p_top; }
/********************************************************************** code writer: EOF code date : 2014.03.03 e-mail: code purpose : This code is a implementation for function is_empty If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail. **********************************************************************/ #include "stack.h" int is_empty(struct node* p_node) { if(p_node->next == NULL) { return EMPTY; } else { return NON_EMPTY; } }
/***************************************************************** code writer: EOF code date: 2014.03.03 e-mail: code purpose : This code is a implementation for function pop_stack If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail *****************************************************************/ #include "stack.h" int pop_stack(struct node* p_top) { struct node* temp = NULL; int number = 0; if(is_empty(p_top) == EMPTY) { printf("empty stack!\nprocess end"); return EMPTY; } else { temp = p_top->next; p_top->next = p_top->next->next; number = temp->data; free(temp); } return number; }
/******************************************************************* code writer : EOF code date:2014.03.03 code purpose : This is my implementaion for function push_stack If there is somrthing wrong with my code, please touche me by e-mail. *******************************************************************/ #include "stack.h" int push_stack(struct node** pp_top,int number) { struct node* temp = NULL; struct node* new_node = NULL; new_node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(new_node == NULL) { printf("malloc failed\nprocess end\n"); return 0; } new_node->data = number; new_node->next = (*pp_top)->next; (*pp_top)->next = new_node; }
#include "stack.h" void release_stack(struct node* p_top) { while(is_empty(p_top) == NON_EMPTY) { pop_stack(p_top); } }