Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.
If you were only permitted to complete at most one transaction (ie, buy one and sell one share of the stock), design an algorithm to find the maximum profit.
class Solution { public: int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) { int n = prices.size(); if(n <= 1) return 0; int min_value = prices[0]; int ans = 0; for(vector<int>::iterator it = prices.begin();it != prices.end();it++) { /* 更新最小值 */ if(*it < min_value) { min_value = *it; } /* 更新最大差值 */ if(*it - min_value > ans) { ans = *it - min_value; } } return ans; } };
class Solution: # @param prices, a list of integer # @return an integer def maxProfit(self, prices): if len(prices) < 2: return 0 min = prices[0] profit = 0 for x in prices: if x < min: min = x if x - min > profit: profit = x-min return profit
【LeetCode】Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock