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package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; public interface ICashSuper { public double acceptCash(double money); }
package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; public class CashSale implements ICashSuper { private double monryrate = 1d; public CashSale(String monryrateStr) { this.monryrate = Double.parseDouble(monryrateStr); } @Override public double acceptCash(double money) { return monryrate*money; } }
package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; public class CashReturn implements ICashSuper { private double moneyCondition = 0.0d; private double moneyReturn = 0.0d; public CashReturn(String moneyConditionStr, String moneyReturnStr) { try { moneyCondition = Double.parseDouble(moneyConditionStr); moneyReturn = Double.parseDouble(moneyReturnStr); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("parse condition wrong:" + moneyCondition + " moneyReturn:" + moneyReturn); } } @Override public double acceptCash(double money) { double result = 0.0d; if(money>=moneyCondition) { result = money-Math.floor(money/moneyCondition)*moneyReturn; } return result; } }
package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; public class CashReturn implements ICashSuper { private double moneyCondition = 0.0d; private double moneyReturn = 0.0d; public CashReturn(String moneyConditionStr, String moneyReturnStr) { try { moneyCondition = Double.parseDouble(moneyConditionStr); moneyReturn = Double.parseDouble(moneyReturnStr); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("parse condition wrong:" + moneyCondition + " moneyReturn:" + moneyReturn); } } @Override public double acceptCash(double money) { double result = 0.0d; if(money>=moneyCondition) { result = money-Math.floor(money/moneyCondition)*moneyReturn; } return result; } }
package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; public class CashNormal implements ICashSuper { @Override public double acceptCash(double money) { return money; } }
package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class CashContext { private ICashSuper cs = null; public CashContext(String type) { System.out.println("商品促销活动"+type); switch(type) { case "Normal": cs = new CashNormal(); break; case "Return 100 Reach 300": cs = new CashReturn("300.0", "100.0"); break; case "80%Sale": cs = new CashSale("0.8"); break; default: System.out.println("没有符合的商品促销活动"); break; } } public double getResult(double money) { double result = money; if(cs != null) { result = cs.acceptCash(money); } String resultstr = new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(result); result = Double.parseDouble(resultstr); return result; } }
package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class CashContext { private ICashSuper cs = null; public CashContext(String type) { System.out.println("商品促销活动"+type); switch(type) { case "Normal": cs = new CashNormal(); break; case "Return 100 Reach 300": cs = new CashReturn("300.0", "100.0"); break; case "80%Sale": cs = new CashSale("0.8"); break; default: System.out.println("没有符合的商品促销活动"); break; } } public double getResult(double money) { double result = money; if(cs != null) { result = cs.acceptCash(money); } String resultstr = new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(result); result = Double.parseDouble(resultstr); return result; } }
package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; import com.jayfulmath.designpattern.main.BasicExample; public class StrategyMain extends BasicExample { @Override public void startDemo() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub CashContext cc = null; Commodity shoes = new Commodity("shoe", 123.5, 5); Commodity cloths = new Commodity("cloths", 323.2, 6); Commodity apple = new Commodity("apple", 15.62, 25); cc = new CashContext("70%Sale"); double result = cc.getResult(shoes.getTotalPrice() + cloths.getTotalPrice() + apple.getTotalPrice()); System.out.println("Total price is:"+result); } }
package com.jayfulmath.designpattern.strategy; public class Commodity { public String _name; private double _price; private int _count; public double get_price() { return _price; } public void set_price(double _price) { this._price = _price; } public String get_name() { return _name; } public void set_name(String _name) { this._name = _name; } /** * @return the _count */ public int get_count() { return _count; } /** * @param _count the _count to set */ public void set_count(int _count) { this._count = _count; } public Commodity(String _name, double _price, int _count) { this._name = _name; this._price = _price; this._count = _count; System.out.println("买入商品"+_name+" "+_count+"个"+"单价"+_price); } public double getTotalPrice() { return _count*_price; } }
买入商品shoe 5个单价123.5 买入商品cloths 6个单价323.2 买入商品apple 25个单价15.62 商品促销活动80%Sale Total price is:2357.76
标签:des style blog io ar color os 使用 sp