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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.
Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at most two transactions.
You may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).
解法一:基于Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
第一步:依照Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock求得最优买卖。值为maxGap,买卖点记作minInd和maxInd。
case1: 在最优买卖的基础上,另外加入一次有效买卖。
case2: 拆分最优买卖,即minInd在第一次买卖中,maxInd在第二次买卖中。
case1中: 新加的一次有效买卖与最优买卖没有交集。也就是说在minInd严格之前或者maxInd严格之后。
case2中: 第一次买卖的买点和卖点均有可能为minInd,第二次买卖的卖点和卖点均有可能为maxInd。
case1Result = maxGap + max(partGap1, partGap2);
两次买卖的值分别为<minLeft, prices[j]>,<prices[k], maxRight>
(1)minLeft所在位置<=minInd, j>=minInd
(2)k<=maxInd, maxRight所在位置>=maxInd
(3)j<=k 满足Note的条件
case2Result = prices[j]-minLeft+maxRight-prices[k]
class Solution { public: int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) { if(prices.empty()) return 0; //at least 1 element int maxV = prices[0]; int maxInd = 0; int minV = prices[0]; int minInd = 0; int curGap = 0; int maxGap = 0; for(vector<int>::size_type st = 1; st < prices.size(); st ++) { if(prices[st] > maxV) {//maxV is free to update maxV = prices[st]; curGap = maxV-minV; if(curGap > maxGap) { maxGap = curGap; maxInd = st; //minInd is the landmark position, changing all the time, thus cannot be determined } } else if(prices[st] < minV) {//if minV changes, all should restart minV = prices[st]; maxV = prices[st]; curGap = 0; } } //get the minInd for(vector<int>::size_type st = 0; st < prices.size(); st ++) { if(prices[maxInd]-prices[st] == maxGap) { minInd = st; break; } } //arrive here, maxGap, maxInd, minInd is needed, thus avoid changing value //case 1: the minInd~max is covered and add the 0~minInd(partGap1) or max~size-1(partGap2) maxV = prices[0]; minV = prices[0]; curGap = 0; int partGap1 = 0; //minLeft can be prices[minInd] int minLeft = prices[minInd]; for(vector<int>::size_type st = 1; st < minInd; st ++) { minLeft = min(minLeft, prices[st]); if(prices[st] > maxV) {//maxV is free to update maxV = prices[st]; curGap = maxV-minV; if(curGap > partGap1) partGap1 = curGap; } else if(prices[st] < minV) {//if minV changes, all should restart minV = prices[st]; maxV = prices[st]; curGap = 0; } } maxV = prices[maxInd+1]; minV = prices[maxInd+1]; curGap = 0; int partGap2 = 0; //if maxInd are greater than prices.size()-3, then partGap2 remains 0. int maxRight = prices[maxInd]; //maxRight initialized to prices[maxInd] for(vector<int>::size_type st = maxInd+1; st < prices.size(); st ++) { maxRight = max(maxRight, prices[st]); if(prices[st] > maxV) {//maxV is free to update maxV = prices[st]; curGap = maxV-minV; if(curGap > partGap2) partGap2 = curGap; } else if(prices[st] < minV) {//if minV changes, all should restart minV = prices[st]; maxV = prices[st]; curGap = 0; } } //arrive here, partGap2, maxRight is needed //caseResult may be either maxGap itself or adding one part int case1Result = maxGap+max(partGap1, partGap2); //case 2: i(index of minLeft<minInd)~minInd~j add k~maxInd~l(index of maxRight>k) //case2Result = prices[j]-minLeft+maxRight-prices[k], that is max(prices[j]-prices[k]) && j<=k maxV = prices[minInd]; //j minV = prices[minInd]; //k curGap = 0; maxGap = 0; //now maxGap can be changed int tmpInd = minInd; for(vector<int>::size_type st = minInd; st <= maxInd; st ++) { if(prices[st] < minV) { minV = prices[st]; curGap = maxV-minV; if(curGap > maxGap) { maxGap = curGap; tmpInd = st; //maxInd is the landmark position, changing all the time, thus cannot be determined } } else if(prices[st] > maxV) { maxV = prices[st]; minV = prices[st]; curGap = 0; } } int case2Result = maxGap-minLeft+maxRight; return max(case1Result, case2Result); } };
class Solution { public: int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) { if(prices.empty()) return 0; int size = prices.size(); int minLeft = prices[0]; int maxGap = 0; //maxVec[i] means the maxGap from start to i (-->) vector<int> maxVec(size, 0); int maxRight = prices[size-1]; int minGap = 0; //minVec[i] means the minGap from end to i (<--) //vector<int> minVec(size, 0); int result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < size; i ++) { if(prices[i]-minLeft > maxGap) //current is very big maxGap = prices[i]-minLeft; else if(prices[i] < minLeft) //current is very small minLeft = prices[i]; maxVec[i] = maxGap; } for(int i = size-1; i >= 0; i --) { if(prices[i]-maxRight < minGap) //current is very small minGap = prices[i]-maxRight; else if(prices[i] > maxRight) //current is very big maxRight = prices[i]; //minVec[i] = minGap; if(maxVec[i]-minGap>result) result = maxVec[i]-minGap; } return result; } };
【LeetCode】Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III (2 solutions)
标签:des style blog http io ar color os 使用