Write a program to find the node at which the intersection of two singly linked lists begins.
For example, the following two linked lists:
A: a1 → a2 ↘ c1 → c2 → c3 ↗ B: b1 → b2 → b3
begin to intersect at node c1.
class Solution { public: ListNode *getIntersectionNode(ListNode *headA, ListNode *headB) { if (NULL == headA || NULL == headB) return NULL; ListNode *tmpA = headA,*tmpB = headB; pair<int, ListNode *> pairA = calLength(headA); pair<int, ListNode *> pairB = calLength(headB); int lengthA = pairA.first; int lengthB = pairB.first; ListNode *lastA = pairA.second; ListNode *lastB = pairB.second; if (lastA != lastB) return NULL; ListNode *&longList = lengthA >= lengthB ? tmpA : tmpB; ListNode *&shortList = lengthA >= lengthB ? tmpB : tmpA; for (int i = 0; i < abs(lengthA - lengthB); i++){ longList = longList->next; } while (NULL != longList && NULL != shortList){ if (longList == shortList){ return longList; } longList = longList->next; shortList = shortList->next; } return NULL; } pair<int,ListNode *> calLength(ListNode *root){ ListNode *tmp = root; int length = 1; while (tmp->next != NULL){ length++; tmp = tmp->next; } return pair<int, ListNode *>(length,tmp); } };
[Leetcode]Intersection of Two Linked Lists