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VC自绘ListCtrl(III) -- Alternate Row Colors for the CListCtrl

时间:2014-12-01 12:57:14      阅读:270      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:style   http   io   ar   color   os   sp   for   on   

问题是这样的: 一般情况下,如果ListCtrl 的某个 Item 被选中的时候,它的背景会显示为蓝色,这时候如果我们点击一下其它的Button (也就是输入焦点转移到其它控件上去时),刚才这个被选中的item的背景会变成浅灰色,在这种情况下我要让它的背景仍然是蓝色,应该怎么实现?谢谢!


Alternate Row Colors for the CListCtrl



I have seen a lot of requests asking how to implement a list control with different colors in each row. After a long time, taking a lot of useful information from this site, it‘s time to give back something. So, this MFC wrapper code just replaces the CListCtrl control with one that alternates the row color of the control.

Using the code

This class uses the OnCustomDraw and OnEraseBkgnd to accomplish the alternate color effect. The big job is done in the OnEraseBkgnd function, since this part of the code is responsible to "paint" our object. We have to find how many rows are shown as well as the height of each row. We receive these information from the ::GetCountPerPage and ::GetItemPosition (you can refer to MSDN for details) respectively. From this point and after, things are easy.

BOOL CColoredListCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
  // TODO: Add your message handler code here
  //       and/or call default

  CRect rect;

  POINT mypoint;  
  CBrush brush0(m_colRow1);
  CBrush brush1(m_colRow2);

  int chunk_height=GetCountPerPage();

  for (int i=0;i<=chunk_height;i++)
    rect.top=mypoint.y ;
    rect.bottom =mypoint.y;
    pDC->FillRect(&rect,i %2 ? &brush1 : &brush0);


  return FALSE;

To use this code, add the CColoredListCtrl class to your project and replace any CListCtrl with this one.

If you want to change the default color of the rows, just replace the m_colRow1 and m_colRow2 variables in the CColoredListCtrl constructor with the colors you prefer.

The default text color is black RGB(0,0,0). If you also want to change the item‘s text color then replace the code lplvcd->clrText = RGB(0,0,0); that you can find in the CColoredListCtrl::OnCustomDraw(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) function.

VC自绘ListCtrl(III) -- Alternate Row Colors for the CListCtrl

标签:style   http   io   ar   color   os   sp   for   on   


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