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转:Dynamic Binding Of RDLC To ReportViewer

时间:2014-12-01 15:51:13      阅读:192      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:des   http   io   ar   os   sp   for   strong   on   


I was struggling to find the solution to bind rdlc dynamically to reportviewer .We had a scenario were we migrated our application from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0 .After migration embedding reportviewer with explicit objectdatasource was creating a major issue. Whenever we try to assign dataset reference to objectdatasource the IDE shuts down abruptly for no reason. This was one of the bug we encountered while developing. We searched a lot but this unique problem was faced by very few hence the correct solution was not available. We then planned to bind the reportviewer at runtime without taking objectdatasource. Below is the procedure to go about it.

Design Architecture


Production Deployment Issues And Its Resolution

During deployment if the source code is published and precompiled is created, one has to be extra careful to do below activity.

  • Create precompiled for deployment.
  • Replace the .RDLC file from the precompiled source code with the original *.rdlc file. The reason behind this is precompiled corrupt the .rdlc internal code constructs. In order to maintain its schema and design we suggest you to replace the precompiled rdlc with original one.


Note: In production web server we have light weight .net framework installed so report viewer is not available. Due to which it will throw report viewer dlls not exist.

Click here to install Reportviewer.exe.

Problem Statement

There is customer table with two field customerid and customerName. We need to generate report for this datatable in reportviewer without usingobjectdatasource.

Create Dataset Schema

Follow the step given below to define dataset schema without connecting to any datasource. This is manual process. This is require each column of the table to added one by one as shown below.


Click on the toolbox icon to proceed further.


Add column to the schema as given below.


Create Report RDLC With Parameter

One needs to drag table from toolbox to panel to draw table section as body part of report. Once done that click on Show Data Source one will view the dataset schema section as given below. Drag columns into table row just below header section. Select Reportparameter from main menu and add one to report. This parameter value can be passed from aspx‘s form to Reportviewer‘s RDLC panel.


Drag textbox in report screen and right click to select property of it.


Click on Fx button of value field to associate this textbox field value to parameter set field variable.



Embed Report Viewer in Aspx

Drag Reportviewer into aspx design page and add localpath of the RDLC file. One can invoke storeprocedure and get the database resultset and can assign it to reportviewer. For running a version of this demo, I included hardcoded resultset.

bubuko.com,布布扣 Collapse
 private void BindReportViewer()
        ReportViewer1.Visible = true;
        //Invoke Stored procedure With Input parameter to it.
        //DataSet dsReport = objSP.GetTable(storedProcedure,txtParameter.Text));
        //Hardcoded Values.
        IList >Customer< customerList = new List>Customer<();
        customerList.Add(new Customer(1,"Santosh Poojari"));
        customerList.Add(new Customer(2, "Santosh Poojari1"));
        customerList.Add(new Customer(3, "Santosh Poojari2"));
        ReportParameter[] param = new ReportParameter[1];
        param[0] = new ReportParameter("Report_Parameter_0",txtParameter.Text);

        ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource
			("DataSet1_Customers_DataTable1", customerList);

Below is the expected output.



Hope this article will help those who are working on similar problem statement. Any suggestion and advice will help me to improve the quality of this article.

转:Dynamic Binding Of RDLC To ReportViewer

标签:des   http   io   ar   os   sp   for   strong   on   


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