1. channel 在读取数据的时候,如果此时通道内没有数据,则会阻塞。
2. channel 在创建的时候会存在一个数据缓冲,如果通道内存入的数据超过缓冲,则就会崩溃。
range 在遍历 channel 的时候需要注意的问题:
1. range在遍历channel的时候,一直在运行,直到close(channel)的时候才会结束调用。
2. range会一直读取数据,如果没有数据,就会阻塞在那里。
select机制 :
1. 检查每个case语句
2. 如果有任何一个channel 是send 或者是 recvive的,那么就执行该block
3. 如果多个case都是ready的情况下,随机选择一个case执行。
4. 如果所有的case都没有ready的,此时如果有default语句的,则执行default,没有的话则阻塞并等待。
*/package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" "time" ) func main() { chan1 := make(chan int) exit := make(chan bool) go func() { for { nTemp := <-chan1 fmt.Println(nTemp) if nTemp == 4 { exit <- true break } } }() chan1 <- 1 chan1 <- 2 chan1 <- 3 chan1 <- 4 var bRet bool = <-exit fmt.Println(bRet) close(chan1) chanRan := make(chan int, 4) go func() { for v := range chanRan { fmt.Println(v) } exit <- true }() chanRan <- 5 chanRan <- 6 chanRan <- 7 chanRan <- 8 close(chanRan) bRet = <-exit chanTimeOut := make(chan bool, 1) chanTest := make(chan int, 1) fmt.Println("下面是测试select相对于channel的用法 以及利用 select 来设置超时:") go func() { for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { time.Sleep(1e9) chanTimeOut <- true } }() for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { select { case chanTest <- i: fmt.Println("success write %d to channel", i) case chanTest <- i + 1: fmt.Println("success write %d to channel", i+1) case chanTest <- i + 2: fmt.Println("success write %d to channel", i+2) case chanTest <- i + 3: fmt.Println("success write %d to channel", i+3) case chanTest <- i + 4: fmt.Println("success write %d to channel", i+4) case chanTest <- i + 5: fmt.Println("success write %d to channel", i+5) case ok := <-chanTimeOut: fmt.Println("chanTimeOut is ", ok, "time out !") //default: // fmt.Println("this channel is blocked") } //n := <-chanTest //fmt.Println("this is %d : value : %d", i, n) } for i := 0; i < len(chanTest); i++ { fmt.Println(<-chanTest) } fmt.Println("下面是测试 chanel 的 range用法 :") data := make(chan int, 3) data <- 1 data <- 2 data <- 3 go func() { for v := range data { fmt.Println(v) } exit <- true }() data <- 4 data <- 5 close(data) <-exit fmt.Println("下面是判断 chanel 是否关闭的用法 :") chanClose := make(chan string) go func() { for { if v, ok := <-chanClose; ok { fmt.Println(v) } else { fmt.Println("close this channel") break } } exit <- true }() time.Sleep(2 * 1e9) chanClose <- "ready to close" close(chanClose) <-exit fmt.Println("下面是定义单项 chanel 的用法 :") channel := make(chan int) var cSend chan<- int = channel var cReveice <-chan int = channel go func() { nRet := <-cReveice //cReveice <- 2 invalid operation: cReveice <- 2 (send to receive-only type <-chan int) fmt.Println(nRet) exit <- true }() cSend <- 1 //nRet := <-cSend invalid operation: <-cSend (receive from send-only type chan<- int) <-exit fmt.Println("下面是多核分布式计算总数总和 :") runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) fmt.Println("count is ", AllCount(13245678321, int64(runtime.NumCPU()), exit)) } func SomeCount(nStart int64, nEnd int64, c chan int64) { var nCount int64 = 0 for i := nStart; i < nEnd+1; i++ { nCount = nCount + i } fmt.Println("start - ", nStart, "end - ", nEnd, ":count is ", nCount) c <- nCount } func AllCount(nCount int64, nCPU int64, exit chan bool) int64 { c := make(chan int64) var i int64 for i = 0; i < nCPU; i++ { go SomeCount((i*nCount)/nCPU, ((i+1)*nCount)/nCPU, c) } var nInt64 int64 = 0 for i = 0; i < nCPU; i++ { nInt64 = nInt64 + <-c } return nInt64 }