标签:style blog http io ar color os sp for
1 /*Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array */ 2 #include <iostream> 3 #include <vector> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 int find(vector <int>& num, int begin, int end) ; 7 int findMin(vector<int> &num) { 8 cout<<num.size(); 9 return find(num, 0, num.size()-1 ); 10 } 11 12 int find(vector<int> &num, int begin, int end) { 13 cout<<"begin: "<<num[begin]<<" end: "<<num[end]<<endl; 14 if(begin==end) 15 return num[end]; 16 if(begin==end-1) 17 return num[begin]>num[end]?num[end]:num[begin]; 18 if(num[begin]<num[end]) 19 return num[begin]; 20 int mid=(begin+end)/2; 21 cout<<"mid:"<<num[mid]<<endl; 22 if(num[mid]>num[begin]) 23 return find(num, mid+1, end); 24 else if(num[mid]<num[begin]) 25 return find(num,begin, mid); 26 else { 27 int a,b; 28 a=find(num, begin, mid); 29 b=find(num, mid, end); 30 return a>b?b:a; 31 } 32 } 33 34 void main(){ 35 int a[3]={3,1,1}; 36 vector<int> num(a, a+3); 37 int c=findMin(num); 38 cout<<c<<endl; 39 while(1); 40 }
Follow up for "Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array":
What if duplicates are allowed?Would this affect the run-time complexity? How and why?
Suppose a sorted array is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand.
(i.e., 0 1 2 4 5 6 7
might become 4 5 6 7 0 1 2
Find the minimum element.
The array may contain duplicates.
ACM && Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
标签:style blog http io ar color os sp for