标签:blog io ar sp for on div log bs
It‘s obvious an DP problem.
Let‘s define:
$dp[i] := $ the maximum sum of subarray in the first $i$ elements.
From the base point, the optimal subarray may contain element $A[i]$ or not.
- optimal subarray without $A[i]$, so $dp[i] = dp[i-1]$.
- optimal subarray ending with $A[i]$.
There‘re some subtle issues about the second situation. In order to get the second case, we need to know the optimal solution of array ending with $A[i-1]$.
So, we have to define another dp table:
$End[i] := $ the maximum sum of subarray ending with $A[i]$.
Obviously, the $End$ array satisfies:
End[i] = max(End[i-1] + A[i], A[i]);
In fact, we can simplify as
End[i] = (End[i-1] > 0) ? End[i-1] + A[i] : A[i];
As both $dp[i]$ and $End[i]$ only relate the previous step, we can use a variable instead of an array to store the result.
end = (end > 0) ? end + A[i] : A[i]; dp = max(dp, end);
Of course, at the initial stage, we consider only one element $A[0]$, thus, we can initialize $dp, end$ as:
dp = end = A[0];
The complete code is:
class Solution { public: int maxSubArray(int A[], int n) { int dp = A[0]; int end = dp; for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i){ end = end > 0 ? end + A[i] : A[i]; dp = dp > end ? dp : end; } return dp; } };
标签:blog io ar sp for on div log bs