标签:des style blog io ar color os sp for
3 olleh !dlrow m‘I morf .udh I ekil .mca
hello world! I‘m from hdu. I like acm.HintRemember to use getchar() to read ‘\n‘ after the interger T, then you may use gets() to read a line and process it.
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> char s[1002]; int main() { int test,i,j,len,k; scanf("%d",&test); getchar(); while(test--) { gets(s); len=strlen(s); for(i=0,k=0;i<len;i++) { if(s[i]==' ') { for(j=i-1;j>=k;j--) { printf("%c",s[j]); } printf(" "); k=i+1; } } for(j=len-1;j>=k;j--) printf("%c",s[j]); printf("\n"); } return 0; }
标签:des style blog io ar color os sp for