标签:style blog http io ar color os 使用 sp
about Robot, learnt from the following document, perfect document !!!!
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium Library
*** Testcases ***
Login Should Succeed When the Correct Username and Password are Entered
Start Selenium Server
Set Selenium Timeout 10
Open Browser file:///D:/robot/Login.htm ie
Sleep 3
Input Allentext uname AUser
Input Text pwd TestPass
Click Button login
Page Should Contain AUser
Close Browser
Stop Selenium Server
打开 Ride, 看到的如下:
所以你一定问, 这种浅蓝色的 low level keyword 到底是在哪里定义的?
比如 Start Selenium Server:
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium Library
可只是一句 "Library Selenium Library" 就可以了么?到底 Selenium Library 在哪里?
很简单: C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages
打开 __init__.py, 能够看到如下:
def start_selenium_server(self, *params): """Starts the Selenium Server provided with SeleniumLibrary. `params` can contain additional command line options given to the Selenium Server. This keyword uses some command line options automatically: 1) The port given in `importing` is added to `params` automatically using the `-port` option. 2) A custom Firefox profile that is included with the library and contains automation friendly settings is enabled via the `-firefoxProfileTemplate` option. You can override this profile with your own custom profile by using the same argument in `params` yourself. To use the default profile on your machine, use this argument with `DEFAULT` value (case-sensitive). 3) Starting from SeleniumLibrary 2.6, if there is `user-extensions.js` file in the same directory as Selenium Server jar, it is loaded using the `-userExtensions` option. This is not done if the option is defined in `params`. By default, such extension file providing Flex testing support is loaded automatically. Special syntax `JVM=some jvm opts` can be used to define options to the java command itself used to start the selenium server. This possibility was added in SeleniumLibrary 2.9.1. Examples: | Start Selenium Server | | | # Default settings. Uses the Firefox profile supplied with the library. | | Start Selenium Server | -firefoxProfileTemplate | C:\\\\the\\\\path | # Uses custom Firefox profile. | | Start Selenium Server | -firefoxProfileTemplate | DEFAULT | # Uses default Firefox profile on your machine. | | Start Selenium Server | -avoidProxy | -ensureCleanSession | # Uses various Selenium Server settings. | | Start Selenium Server | -JVM=-DserverName=somehost | # Define JVM options. | All Selenium Server output is written into `selenium_server_log.txt` file in the same directory as the Robot Framework log file. If the test execution round starts and stops Selenium Server multiple times, it is best to open the server to different port each time. *NOTE:* This keyword requires `subprocess` module which is available on Python/Jython 2.5 or newer. """ params = (‘-port‘, str(self._server_port)) + params logpath = os.path.join(self._get_log_dir(), ‘selenium_server_log.txt‘) self._selenium_log = open(logpath, ‘w‘) start_selenium_server(self._selenium_log, self._jar_path, *params) self._html(‘Selenium server log is written to <a href="file://%s">%s</a>.‘ % (logpath.replace(‘\\‘, ‘/‘), logpath))
这就是 start selenium server 的最源头。
我们也可以把整个 C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\SeleniumLibrary 文件夹复制一份并且重命名为 "AllenLibrary", 然后打开 __init__.py, 把其中所有的 "SeleniumLibrary" 替换成 "AllenLibrary".
这时就可以直接使用 AllenLibrary了。
看,上面就是 Allen Library 的情况。
我们可以使用多个 library。
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium Library
Library Allen Library
*** Test Cases ***
AllenLibrary.Start Selenium Server
AllenLibrary.Set Selenium Timeout 10
SeleniumLibrary.Open Browser file:///D:/robot/Login.htm ie
Sleep 3
SeleniumLibrary.Input Allentext uname AUser
SeleniumLibrary.Input Text pwd TestPass
Comment AllenLibrary.Input Allen2text uname BUser
sleep 3
AllenLibrary.Click Button login
AllenLibrary.Page Should Contain AUser
AllenLibrary.Close Browser
AllenLibrary.Stop Selenium Server
只是之后使用的时候要表明清楚所用的方法是从 AllenLibrary来的,还是从 SeleniumLibrary来的。
标签:style blog http io ar color os 使用 sp