BasicCollider = class("BasicCollider", function() local node = cc.Node:create() node:setCascadeColorEnabled(true) return node end)
function BasicCollider:ctor() self.minRange = 0 --the min radius of the fan self.maxRange = 150 --the max radius of the fan self.angle = 120 --arc of attack, in radians self.knock = 150 --default knock, knocks 150 units self.mask = 1 --1 is Heroes, 2 is enemy, 3 ?? self.damage = 100 self.facing = 0 --this is radians self.duration = 0 self.curDuration = 0 self.speed = 0 --traveling speed} self.criticalChance = 0 end
if(afacing + attack.angle/2)>angle and angle > (afacing- attack.angle/2) thenlocal pos1 = getPosTable(self) local pos2 = getPosTable(self) local pos3 = getPosTable(self) pos1.x = pos1.x+130 pos2.x = pos2.x+330 pos3.x = pos3.x+530 pos1 = cc.pRotateByAngle(pos1, self._myPos, self._curFacing) pos2 = cc.pRotateByAngle(pos2, self._myPos, self._curFacing) pos3 = cc.pRotateByAngle(pos3, self._myPos, self._curFacing)
_specialAttack = { minRange = 0, maxRange = 140, angle = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(360), knock = 75, damage = 250, mask = EnumRaceType.HERO, duration = 4.5, speed = 0, criticalChance = 0.05, DOTTimer = 0.75, --it will be able to hurt every 0.5 seconds curDOTTime = 0.75, DOTApplied = false },
GameMaster:init() 从中可以看到
self:AddHeros()int lua_cocos2dx_ParticleSystemQuad_create(lua_State* tolua_S) { int argc = 0; bool ok = true; #if COCOS2D_DEBUG >= 1 tolua_Error tolua_err; #endif #if COCOS2D_DEBUG >= 1 if (!tolua_isusertable(tolua_S,1,"cc.ParticleSystemQuad",0,&tolua_err)) goto tolua_lerror; #endif argc = lua_gettop(tolua_S)-1; do { if (argc == 1) { std::string arg0; ok &= luaval_to_std_string(tolua_S, 2,&arg0, "cc.ParticleSystemQuad:create"); if (!ok) { break; } cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad* ret = cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad::create(arg0); object_to_luaval<cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad>(tolua_S, "cc.ParticleSystemQuad",(cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad*)ret); return 1; } } while (0); ok = true; do { if (argc == 0) { cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad* ret = cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad::create(); object_to_luaval<cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad>(tolua_S, "cc.ParticleSystemQuad",(cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad*)ret); return 1; } } while (0); ok = true; do { if (argc == 1) { cocos2d::ValueMap arg0; ok &= luaval_to_ccvaluemap(tolua_S, 2, &arg0, "cc.ParticleSystemQuad:create"); if (!ok) { break; } cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad* ret = cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad::create(arg0); object_to_luaval<cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad>(tolua_S, "cc.ParticleSystemQuad",(cocos2d::ParticleSystemQuad*)ret); return 1; } } while (0); ok = true;
ok &= luaval_to_std_string(tolua_S, 2,&arg0, "cc.ParticleSystemQuad:create");
而error log就是在尝试得过程中函数 luaval_to_native_err 报出来的
if (!tolua_iscppstring(L,lo,0,&tolua_err)) { #if COCOS2D_DEBUG >=1 luaval_to_native_err(L,"#ferror:",&tolua_err,funcName); #endif ok = false; }
cocos2dx 3d开源项目 fantasyWarrior3D 从零走起 6完结 [AttackManager&GameMaster]