标签:c++ 设计模式
#include "stdafx.h" #include <memory> using namespace std; class Method { private : int _Num1; int _Num2; public : Method( int number1 = 0, int number2 = 0) :_Num1( number1), _Num2( number2) {} virtual ~Method() {} int GetNum1(){ return _Num1; } int GetNum2(){ return _Num2; } void SetNum1( int number1){ _Num1 = number1; } void SetNum2( int number2){ _Num2 = number2; } virtual int Operator() = 0; }; class AddMethod :public Method { public : AddMethod( int number1 = 0, int number2 = 0) : Method( number1, number2) {} virtual int Operator() { return GetNum1() + GetNum2(); } }; class SubMethod :public Method { public : SubMethod( int number1 = 0, int number2 = 0) : Method( number1, number2) {} virtual int Operator() { return GetNum1() - GetNum2(); } }; class Factory { public : virtual shared_ptr <Method > Produce() = 0; }; class AddFactory :public Factory { public : virtual shared_ptr <Method > Produce() { return shared_ptr <Method >(new AddMethod ()); } }; class SubFactory :public Factory { public : virtual shared_ptr <Method > Produce() { return shared_ptr <Method >(new SubMethod ()); } };
// FcatoryMethodPattern.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "FactoryMethod.h" #include <memory> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int _tmain (int argc , _TCHAR * argv []) { shared_ptr <Factory > pOperFactory( new AddFactory()); shared_ptr <Method > pMethod = pOperFactory->Produce(); pMethod->SetNum1(10); pMethod->SetNum2(2); int result = pMethod->Operator(); cout << pMethod->GetNum1() << "+" << pMethod->GetNum2() << "=" << result << endl; shared_ptr <Factory > pOperFactory2( new SubFactory()); pMethod = pOperFactory2->Produce(); pMethod->SetNum1(10); pMethod->SetNum2(2); result = pMethod->Operator(); cout << pMethod->GetNum1() << "-" << pMethod->GetNum2() << "=" << result << endl; getchar(); return 0; }
标签:c++ 设计模式