In the first sample test the white queen can capture the black queen at the first move, so the white player wins.
In the second test from the statement if the white queen captures the green pawn located on the central vertical line, then it will be captured by the black queen during the next move. So the only move for the white player is to capture the green pawn located at (2, 1).
Similarly, the black queen doesn‘t have any other options but to capture the green pawn located at (2, 3), otherwise if it goes to the middle vertical line, it will be captured by the white queen.
During the next move the same thing happens — neither the white, nor the black queen has other options rather than to capture green pawns situated above them. Thus, the white queen ends up on square (3, 1), and the black queen ends up on square (3, 3).
In this situation the white queen has to capture any of the green pawns located on the middle vertical line, after that it will be captured by the black queen. Thus, the player who plays for the black queen wins.