Given a method
long compute(int i) { return ... }
The error rate p = 1 / 10,000
Another method
long total(int n) { long s = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++) { s += compute(i); } return s; }
Thus the error rate is np.
How to improve the second method to control its rate below p.
total will run n steps. So to make the total rate below p.
each step need to below p / n.
let‘s run compute k times when
(p ^ k < p / n).
long total(int n) { int k = calcComputeTimes(n); long s = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { s += safeCompute(i, k); } return s; } // Find the min value of k when P^k < p/n int calcComputeTimes(n) { double temp = p / n; int k = 1; while(pow(P, k) >= temp) { k ++; } return k; } // Runs compute() k times to find the most possible results. // If the possible of two results are the same, return the first computed one. double safeCompute(i, k) { Map<Double, Integer> computeMap = new HashMap<>(); int maxOccurSeen = 0; double result = 0; for (int t = 0 ; t < k ; t ++) { int r = compute(i); Integer occur = computeMap.get(r); if (occur == null) { occur = 1; } computeMap.put(r, occur); if (occur > maxoccurSeen) { maxOccurSeen = occur; result = r; } } return result; } static double P = 1 / 10,000;