标签:style blog io ar color sp for on div
function find(s:string):longint; var i,u:longint; begin u:=1; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin if trie[u][s[i]]=0 then begin inc(total); trie[u][s[i]]:=total; end; u:=trie[u][s[i]]; end; if hash[u]=0 then begin inc(tot); hash[u]:=tot; end; exit(hash[u]); end; procedure qsort(l,r:longint); var i,j,k,mid:longint; begin i:=l; j:=r; mid:=root[random(r-l)+l].value; repeat while root[i].value<mid do inc(i); while root[j].value>mid do dec(j); if i<=j then begin swap(root[i].value,root[j].value); swap(root[i].too,root[j].too); inc(i); dec(j); end; until i>j; if i<r then qsort(i,r); if l<j then qsort(l,j); end; procedure into; var ss,s:string; i,j:longint; begin readln(n); tot:=0; ss:=‘Park‘; find(ss); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(s); j:=1; while s[j]<>‘ ‘ do inc(j); name1:=find(copy(s,1,j-1)); delete(s,1,j); j:=1; while s[j]<>‘ ‘ do inc(j); name2:=find(copy(s,1,j-1)); delete(s,1,j); val(s,j); if name1>nam2 then swap(name1,name2); if name1=1 then begin inc(tot1); root[tot1].too:=name2; root[tot1].value:=j; end else add1(name1,name2,j); end; qsort(1,tot1); for i:=1 to tot do fa[i]:=i; readln(m); end; procedure work; begin for i:=1 to tot2 then while e[i] do if find(too1)<>find(too2) then begin sum:=sum+value; fa[find(too1)]:=too2; add2(too1,too2); add2(too2,too1); end; sum1:=0; for i:=1 to tot1 do with root[i] do if find(too)<>i then begin inc(sum1); add2(i,too); sum:=sum+value; fa[find(too)]:=i; end; if sum1>m then begin writeln(‘worry‘); exit; end; if sum1=m then begin writeln(sum); exit; end; ans:=sum; for i:=1 to n do d[i]:=mm; d[1]:=-1; i:=first[1]; while i<>0 do while e2[i] do begin d[too2]:=-1; i:=next; end; dfs(1); for i:=sum1+1 to m do begin k:=mm; l:=0; for j:=1 to tot1 do with root[j] do if (d[too]>0) and (d[too]-value>k) then begin k:=d[too]-value; l:=too; end; sum:=sum-k; if sum<ans then ans:=sum; fa[max[too]]:= begin into; work;
标签:style blog io ar color sp for on div