标签:style blog io ar color os sp on div
#pragma once #include "cocos2d.h" USING_NS_CC; class Parabola:public ActionInterval { public: static Parabola* create(const CCPoint& startPosition, const CCPoint& endPosition, float angle, float g,float &return_duration); //override virtual Parabola* clone() const override; virtual Parabola* reverse() const override; virtual void update(float time) override; protected: bool initWithDuration(float duration, const CCPoint& startPosition, const CCPoint& endPosition, float angle, float g, float vx0, float vy0); protected: float m_vx0; float m_vy0; Point m_startPosition; Point m_endPosition; float m_angle; float m_dur ; float m_tan_a; float m_g; };
#include "Parabola.h" #define PIXELS_PER_METER 100 Parabola* Parabola::create(const CCPoint& startPosition, const CCPoint& endPosition, float angle, float g,float &return_duration) { Parabola *pRet = new Parabola(); float vx0,vy0, x1, y1, duration; x1 = endPosition.x - startPosition.x; y1 = endPosition.y - startPosition.y; x1 /= PIXELS_PER_METER; //像素到米的转换,PIXELS_PER_METER为转换系数,这里设置为100 y1 /= PIXELS_PER_METER; angle = angle*3.14 / 180;//convert t to radian if (x1<0) { angle *= -1; } vx0 = x1*sqrt(g / 2 / (x1*tan(angle) - y1)); //求出初速度 vy0 = vx0 * tan(angle); duration = x1 / vx0; //求出整个运动的时间 return_duration = duration; //将duration通过参数返回 pRet->initWithDuration(duration,startPosition, endPosition, angle,g, vx0, vy0); pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } bool Parabola::initWithDuration(float duration, const Point& startPosition, const Point& endPosition, float angle, float g, float vx0, float vy0) { if (CCActionInterval::initWithDuration(duration)) { m_vx0 = vx0; m_vy0 = vy0; m_startPosition = startPosition; m_endPosition = endPosition; angle = angle*3.14 / 180;//convert t to radian m_angle = angle; m_dur = duration; m_tan_a = tan(angle); m_g = g; return true; } return false; } Parabola* Parabola::clone() const { CC_ASSERT(0); return nullptr; } Parabola* Parabola::reverse() const { CC_ASSERT(0); return nullptr; } void Parabola::update(float time) { if (_target) { float elapsed = _elapsed; //获得当前的运动时间 float diff_x = m_vx0 * elapsed; float diff_y = m_vy0 * elapsed - 0.5 * m_g * elapsed * elapsed; CCPoint newPos = ccpAdd(m_startPosition, ccp(diff_x * PIXELS_PER_METER, diff_y * PIXELS_PER_METER)); //单位由米转换为像素 _target->setPosition(newPos); } }
标签:style blog io ar color os sp on div