标签:style ar io os sp for strong on art
APPI Abstracted PHY-Protocol Interface
BER Bit Error Rate
417 CIL
Control and Interface Logic
418 DDR
Double Data Rate
419 EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
420 EoT End of Transmission
421 HS
High-Speed; identifier for operation mode
422 HS-RX
High-Speed Receiver (Low-Swing Differential)
423 HS-TX
High-Speed Transmitter (Low-Swing Differential)
424 IO
425 ISTO
Industry Standards and Technology Organization
426 LP
Low-Power: identifier for operation mode
427 LP-CD
Low-Power Contention Detector
428 LPDT
Low-Power Data Transmission
429 LP-RX
Low-Power Receiver (Large-Swing Single-Ended)
430 LP-TX
Low-Power Transmitter (Large-Swing Single-Ended)
431 LPS
Low-Power State(s)
432 LSB
Least Significant Bit
433 Mbps
Megabits per second
434 MIPI
Mobile Industry Processor Interface
435 MSB
Most Significant Bit
436 PHY
Physical Layer
437 PLL
Phase-Locked Loop
438 PPI
PHY-Protocol Interface
439 RF
Radio Frequency
440 RX
441 SE
442 SoT
Start of Transmission
443 TLIS
Transmission-Line Interconnect Structure: physical interconnect realization between Master and Slave
445 TX
446 UI
Unit Interval, equal to the duration of any HS state on the Clock Lane
标签:style ar io os sp for strong on art