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26 September 2014
This Toolkit enables you to access and download more than 2,000 entries from Gartner Hype Cycles published through 23 August 2014. You can search, filter and prioritize based on the detailed information for each entry, as well as automatically generate your own custom Hype Cycle.
16 September 2014
With a new wave of technology advancement driving digital business transformation, IT leaders must design their organization‘s technology tracking and adoption activities to account for four timeless principles of technology progress.
13 August 2014
New concepts and systems are being developed to support the notion that machines could be intuitive enough to process user intent rather than just instruction. However, progress in interface technologies does not seem to be enabling those notions, so more innovation is needed to see them through.
21 July 2014
The market for enterprise and consumer 3D printers and 3D printing is rapidly expanding. Gartner‘s first Hype Cycle for 3D Printing illuminates the landscape with its opportunities and potential pitfalls.
标签:des http ar io os sp for on div