Boot1Checksum Test...............................PASS
Boot2Checksum Test...............................PASS
FlashImage Validation Test.......................PASS
BOOTSoftware Version Built 25-Oct-2010 11:09:55
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PowerConnect5548 device with Marvell ARM CPU core. 256 MByte SDRAM.
I-Cache16 KB. D-Cache 16 KB. L2 Cache 256 KB. Cache Enabled.
MACAddress : d0:67:e5:87:a7:e3.
Autobootin 2 seconds - press RETURNor Esc. to abortand enter prom.
Startup Menu
[1] Download Software
[2] Erase Flash File
[3] Password RecoveryProcedure
[4] Set Terminal Baud-Rate
[5] Stack menu
[6] Back
Enter your choice or press ‘ESC‘ to exit: 3
Currentpassword will be ignored!
====Press Enter To Continue ====
Startup Menu
[1] Download Software
[2] Erase Flash File
[3] Password Recovery Procedure
[4] Set Terminal Baud-Rate
[5] Stack menu
[6] Back
Enter your choice or press ‘ESC‘ to exit:6
Exit fromboot menu. Continue with flow.
Preparingto decompress...
DecompressingSW from image-2
Runningfrom RAM...
***Running SW Ver. Date 22-Jul-2013 Time 16:32:43 ***
HWversion is 00.00.02
Base Macaddress is: d0:67:e5:87:a7:e3
Dram sizeis : 256M bytes
Dramfirst block size is : 229376K bytes
Dramfirst PTR is : 0x1C00000
Dramsecond block size is : 4096K bytes
Dramsecond PTR is : 0xFC00000
Flashsize is: 16M
01-Oct-200616:32:47 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading running configuration.
01-Oct-200616:32:47 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading startup configuration.
Slot 1 -PowerConnect 5548
Device 0:GT_98DX4122 (BobCat)
Device 1:GT_98DX4123 (BobCat)
-- UnitNumber1 --
BobCat,Revision(A2), Cpu(800)
BobCat,Revision(A2), Cpu(800)
01-Oct-200616:33:04 %INIT-I-InitCompleted: Initialization task is completed
-- UnitNumber 1 Master Enabled --
01-Oct-200616:33:11 %Environment-I-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 1 status changed - Fan turned OFF.
01-Oct-200616:33:11 %Environment-I-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 2 status changed - Fan turned OFF.
01-Oct-200616:33:11 %Environment-I-PS-STAT-CHNG: PS# 1 status changed - operational.
TapiVersion: v1.9.3.2
01-Oct-200616:33:11 %Entity-I-SEND-ENT-CONF-CHANGE-TRAP: entity configuration change trap.
CoreVersion: v1.9.3.2
01-Oct-200616:33:14 %MLDP-I-MASTER: Switching to the Master Mode.
01-Oct-200616:33:14 %Stack-I-STCK-CFG-CHNG: Configuration changed: chain
01-Oct-200616:33:15 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of running configuration items loaded: 29
01-Oct-200616:33:15 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of startup configuration items loaded: 29
02-Oct-200600:33:16 %LINK-W-Down: gi1/0/1
02-Oct-200600:33:17 %LINK-W-Down: gi1/0/2
console> console>enable console# console#configure console(config)#enablepassword dell1234 console(config)#linetelnet console(config-telnet)#passworddell1234 console(config-telnet)#exit console(config)#lineconsole console(config-line)#passworddell1234 console(config-line)#exit console(config)#exit console#copyrunning-config startup-config
Thisoperation may take a few minutes.
Managementinterfaces will not be available during this time.
Are yousure you want to save? (y/n) y
Are yousure you want to reload the stack? (y/n) y
本文出自 “汜水流年_” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://timefiles.blog.51cto.com/8475652/1590908