Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.
算法一:建立一个结构体,其中一个域值为x,另一个域值为栈中的最小值。因此就可以在O(1)的时间内获得整个栈的最小值。但是这种算法的结果是:Memory limit exceed.
#include<iostream> #include<stack> using namespace std; class MinStack { private: typedef struct Node { int val; int min_temp; }tNode; stack<tNode> s; public: void push(int x) { tNode n; n.val = x; if( s.empty() ) { n.min_temp = x; } else { if( x < s.top().min_temp ) { n.min_temp = x; } else { n.min_temp = s.top().min_temp; } } s.push(n); } void pop() { s.pop(); } int top() { return s.top().val; } int getMin() { return s.top().min_temp; } }; int main() { MinStack ms; ms.push(1); ms.push(2); ms.push(3); ms.push(4); ms.push(5); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); system("pause"); return 0; }<strong> </strong>
结果是:memory limit exceed. 究其原因就是因为min_temp域占用了过多的空间,因为每一个元素都会保存最小值,这是完全没有必要的。
#include<iostream> #include<stack> using namespace std; class MinStack { private: stack<int> s1; stack<int> s2; public: void push(int x) { s1.push(x); if( s2.empty() ) { s2.push(x); } else if( x <= s2.top() ) { s2.push(x); } } void pop() { int top = s1.top(); s1.pop(); if( top<=s2.top() ) { s2.pop(); } } int top() { return s1.top(); } int getMin() { return s2.top(); } }; int main() { MinStack ms; ms.push(1); ms.push(2); ms.push(3); ms.push(4); ms.push(5); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); cout<<"top = "<<ms.top()<<" min = "<<ms.getMin()<<endl; ms.pop(); system("pause"); return 0; }