标签:des blog http ar io sp on 2014 art
下面的shell脚本用于自动下载cdh5.2.1的hadoop rpm包. 测试通过。
#!/bin/bash # # @file # cdh5_rhel6_x64_cdh5.2.1-downloads.sh # # @date # 2014-12-18 # # @author # cheungmine # # @version # 0.0.1pre # # download all RPMS from: # -- http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/ # ################################################################################ # specify where you want to save downloaded packages here: # PREFIX="../downloads/cdh5.2-RPMS-x86_64/cdh5.2.1" # get real path from relative path function real_path() { \cd "$1" /bin/pwd } # server resources: # CDH_URL_REPODATA="http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/5.2.1/repodata/" CDH_URL_NOARCH="http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/5.2.1/RPMS/noarch/" CDH_URL_X86_64="http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/5.2.1/RPMS/x86_64/" # source codes not used: # CDH_URL_SRPMS="http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/5.2.1/SRPMS/" # get absolute path: DEST_PREFIX=$(real_path $PREFIX) # get index pages wget -c $CDH_URL_REPODATA -P $DEST_PREFIX -O $DEST_PREFIX/.repodata.index.html wget -c $CDH_URL_NOARCH -P $DEST_PREFIX -O $DEST_PREFIX/.noarch.index.html wget -c $CDH_URL_X86_64 -P $DEST_PREFIX -O $DEST_PREFIX/.x86_64.index.html # download repodata # CDH_URL_REPODATA repodata_dir=$DEST_PREFIX/repodata mkdir $repodata_dir repodata_html=$DEST_PREFIX"/.repodata.index.html" echo -e "process file: ‘$repodata_html‘" while read line do # start with: <td><a href=" a=`echo $line | sed -n ‘/<td><a href="/p‘` if [ -n "$a" ]; then b=`echo $a | sed -n ‘/Parent Directory/p‘` # do including: Parent Directory if [ -z "$b" ]; then # end with: </a></td> b=`echo $a | sed -n ‘/<\/a><\/td>/p‘` if [ -n "$b" ]; then a=`echo $a | sed -e ‘s/.*<td><a href="//;s/">.*//‘` url=$CDH_URL_REPODATA$a echo -e "download: $url" wget -c $url -P $repodata_dir -O $repodata_dir/$a fi fi fi done < $repodata_html # download noarch # CDH_URL_NOARCH noarch_dir=$DEST_PREFIX/noarch mkdir $noarch_dir noarch_html=$DEST_PREFIX"/.noarch.index.html" echo -e "process file: ‘$noarch_html‘" while read line do # start with: <td><a href=" a=`echo $line | sed -n ‘/<td><a href="/p‘` if [ -n "$a" ]; then b=`echo $a | sed -n ‘/Parent Directory/p‘` # do including: Parent Directory if [ -z "$b" ]; then # end with: </a></td> b=`echo $a | sed -n ‘/<\/a><\/td>/p‘` if [ -n "$b" ]; then a=`echo $a | sed -e ‘s/.*<td><a href="//;s/">.*//‘` url=$CDH_URL_NOARCH$a echo -e "download: $url" wget -c $url -P $noarch_dir -O $noarch_dir/$a fi fi fi done < $noarch_html # download x86_64 # CDH_URL_X86_64 x86_64_dir=$DEST_PREFIX/x86_64 mkdir $x86_64_dir x86_64_html=$DEST_PREFIX"/.x86_64.index.html" echo -e "process file: ‘$x86_64_html‘" while read line do # start with: <td><a href=" a=`echo $line | sed -n ‘/<td><a href="/p‘` if [ -n "$a" ]; then b=`echo $a | sed -n ‘/Parent Directory/p‘` # do including: Parent Directory if [ -z "$b" ]; then # end with: </a></td> b=`echo $a | sed -n ‘/<\/a><\/td>/p‘` if [ -n "$b" ]; then a=`echo $a | sed -e ‘s/.*<td><a href="//;s/">.*//‘` url=$CDH_URL_X86_64$a echo -e "download: $url" wget -c $url -P $x86_64_dir -O $x86_64_dir/$a fi fi fi done < $x86_64_html # TODO: do we need to check all packages? echo "download all packages successfully."
标签:des blog http ar io sp on 2014 art