INSERT INTO departments VALUES (departments_seq.nextval, ‘Entertainment‘, 162, 1400);
INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary) VALUES (employees_seq.nextval, ‘Doe‘, ‘john.doe@example.com‘, SYSDATE, ‘SH_CLERK‘, 2400) RETURNING salary*12, job_id INTO :bnd1, :bnd2;
If you specify ALL, the default value, then the database evaluates each WHEN clause regardless of the results of the evaluation of any other WHEN clause. For each WHEN clause whose condition evaluates to true, the database executes the corresponding INTO clause list.
If you specify FIRST, then the database evaluates each WHEN clause in the order in which it appears in the statement. For the first WHEN clause that evaluates to true, the database executes the corresponding INTO clause and skips subsequent WHEN clauses for the given row.
CREATE TABLE small_orders (order_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, customer_id NUMBER(6) NOT NULL, order_total NUMBER(8,2), sales_rep_id NUMBER(6) ); CREATE TABLE medium_orders AS SELECT * FROM small_orders; CREATE TABLE large_orders AS SELECT * FROM small_orders; CREATE TABLE special_orders (order_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, customer_id NUMBER(6) NOT NULL, order_total NUMBER(8,2), sales_rep_id NUMBER(6), credit_limit NUMBER(9,2), cust_email VARCHAR2(30) );
Puts orders greater than 290,000 into thespecial_orders
INSERT ALL WHEN ottl <= 100000 THEN INTO small_orders VALUES(oid, ottl, sid, cid) WHEN ottl > 100000 and ottl <= 200000 THEN INTO medium_orders VALUES(oid, ottl, sid, cid) WHEN ottl > 200000 THEN
into large_orders --不仅存放大于200000的数据,而且存放大于290000的数据
VALUES(oid, ottl, sid, cid)
WHEN ottl > 290000 THEN
INTO special_orders --仅存放大于290000的数据
SELECT o.order_id oid,
o.customer_id cid,
o.order_total ottl,
o.sales_rep_id sid,
c.credit_limit cl,
c.cust_email cem
FROM orders o, customers c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
put orders greater than 200,000 into thelarge_orders
table andspecial_orders
table is null:
INSERT FIRST WHEN ottl <= 100000 THEN INTO small_orders VALUES(oid, ottl, sid, cid) WHEN ottl > 100000 and ottl <= 200000 THEN INTO medium_orders VALUES(oid, ottl, sid, cid) WHEN ottl > 200000 THEN
into large_orders --不仅存放大于200000的数据,而且存放大于290000的数据
VALUES(oid, ottl, sid, cid)
WHEN ottl > 290000 THEN
INTO special_orders --没有大于290000的数据,此表为空
SELECT o.order_id oid,
o.customer_id cid,
o.order_total ottl,
o.sales_rep_id sid,
c.credit_limit cl,
c.cust_email cem
FROM orders o, customers c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id;