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时间:2014-12-21 21:52:30      阅读:213      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


___2 emotion control

1,suppress.  By now,it is very obvious, suppressing emotion is very damaging.

2,cognitive explation

between A circumstance and B  emotion,behavior, there is a c, you can ajust cognitive explation and decide your behavior. There is space between the two things.

it is not to say suppress is bad or cognitive  is good, or vise versas, it depends. sometimes, you just need to follow your instinction .

Using the wrong way can cause very serious consequence.

eg1, home violence, you can not use the cognitive way,tell youself he is just in bad mood and he doesnot mean to hurt you. Yes, he did. Your emotion is positve and benifical to you to recognize the situation, to take action to face it ,deal with it, leave the person to avoid future hurt.

eg2, when you are talking with your boss, he said some stupid thing, you do not let your emotion out, like you are nuts, too stupid.

I: this professor are very open to display his emotions, even exagerrate it,in a sincere even humorous way.It doesnot make me to think he is unprofessional, or weak, but I feel relaxed and he is trustful and intimate  to me.In fact, I like him very much. If your motive is sincere and nice, why not let your emotion out . As he said, we are friends, I feel happy to be here talking with you, to be totally open means people feel safe ,totally trust each other,it is very nice. You know how much you want this, and he create it himself, and why not.

To show your weakness or be totally open is not good or bad, it depends on the circustance. If you are facing an evil person, obviously, you show your strength to let him know you are invincible. 

___3 meditation, anxiety, brain

1,avoid avoiding.    avoiding is the most frequent thing people conduct each day.

2, people have very low self-esteem,even stanford professor, frustrate,fail, anxiety,loneliness. donot let is hurt you

3,MBSR. mindfulness based.

meditation,  exercise your attention muscle.

focuse on your breathing, just watch it , not control or affect it. it something else appear in you mind, note it and let it go.  

4,where are you? how many time are you staying here,now, not past or future?







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