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时间:2014-12-26 16:50:36      阅读:192      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:自然   nature   年度十大人物   

作者:Ron Cowen
John Jameson/Princeton Univ.
David Spergel first spotted the blunder while on a train in late March. Ten days earlier, researchers had made front-page headlines by holding a press conference announcing the probable detection of gravitational waves from the far reaches of space. That long-sought signal provided evidence that the infant Universe had undergone a brief but enormous expansion called cosmic inflation, and the result had prompted talk of a Nobel prize for the team, which was led by John Kovac of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
David发现这个错误是在三月份下旬,早在十天前,研究人员已经监测到来自太空深处的引力波,这个信号表明宇宙的膨胀来自一场大爆炸,这个研究结果使得这个团队获得了诺贝尔奖的提名,这个团队是有来自马萨诸塞州的天文物理实验室的John Kovac领导的。
Spergel was troubled from the start by the evidence that Kovac‘s team had gathered from the BICEP2 telescope at the South Pole. As an astrophysicist who studies the early Universe at Princeton University in New Jersey, he worried that the signal might be an artefact. On the train, en route to giving a lecture in New York City, he realized that the BICEP2 team had made a mistake when accounting for how nearby dust might alter the long-distance signal. He raised his concerns in his talk, and in May he co-authored a paper that pointed out the flaws (R. Flauger et al. Preprint at http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.7351; 2014).
Spergel, who sports a shaved head and a voice that can fill a room, decided that he needed to speak out. “I wanted to let the broader physics community know there were reasons to have doubts,” he says.
Social media amplified his criticisms. A video of his New York talk drew nearly 2,000 views, alerting others to the controversy. Soon, talk of a Nobel prize for the BICEP2 team was eclipsed by discussions about how it had made a cosmic mistake.
When the BICEP2 researchers published their findings in June (P. A. R. Ade?et al.?Phys. Rev. Lett.112, 241101; 2014), they were more tentative than at the press conference — although not enough to satisfy Spergel. A forthcoming analysis of satellite data may soon settle the controversy. For cosmologist Marc Kamionkowski of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, the episode shows the danger of announcing major results too early. Although the BICEP2 researchers may have had good reasons to hold a press conference, he says, “they or others in a similar situation in the future may lean towards awaiting some vetting”.




标签:自然   nature   年度十大人物   


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