Exercise 5-4. Define a two-dimensional array, data[11][5] , of type double. Initialize
the elements in the first column with values from 2.0 to 3.0 inclusive in steps of 0.1.
If the first element in a row has value x, populate the remaining elements in each row
with the values 1/x, x2, x3, and x4 . Output the values in the array with each row on a
separate line and with a heading for each column.
//Exercise 5.4 Table of reciprocals, squares, cubes, and fourth powers. #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { const size_t nrows = 11; // Number of rows in the array const size_t ncols = 5; // Number of columns in the array double data[nrows][ncols]; // Stores data values double value = 2.0; size_t row = 0 ; // Value to be stored in array size_t col = 0 ; for( row = 0 ; row < nrows ; ++row) { data[row][0] = value; data[row][1] = 1.0/data[row][0]; // 1/x data[row][2] = data[row][0]*data[row][0]; // x*x data[row][3] = data[row][2]*data[row][0]; // x*x*x data[row][4] = data[row][3]*data[row][0]; // x*x*x*x value += 0.1; } printf(" x "); printf(" 1/x "); printf(" x*x "); printf(" x*x*x "); printf(" x*x*x*x"); for( row = 0 ; row < nrows ; ++row) { printf("\n"); for( col = 0 ; col < ncols ; ++col) printf("%15.4lf", data[row][col]); } printf("\n"); return 0; }
kExercise 5.4 Table of reciprocals, squares, cubes, and fourth powers.