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问题一:What is SDN?

之前根据自己的经验和学习状况回答了如何去研究SDN&OpenFlow?,到底What is SDN?



  • 第一步引用Nick McKeown的观点,类比PC产业,从“Refactoring Functionality”的角度来定义SDN,直接了当非常容易理解,感觉豁然开朗。
  • 第二步引用Scott Shenker的观点,从“Redefining Abstractions”的角度来思考SDN,有点形而上的意思,但是仔细研究,发现确实是那么回事。后来看Larry Peterson在2013sigcomm上做《Zen and the Art of Network Architecture》的演讲,才明白“技术是可以用哲学方式思考的”。




  • SDN is changing how we design, build and operate networks to better support growth, agility and innovation. SDN’s key attributes include: separation of the data and control planes; a uniform, vendor-agnostic interface, called OpenFlow, between control and data planes; and a logically centralized control plane that offers a consistent, network-wide view to programers or operators. The logically centralized control plane is realized using a network operating system that constructs and presents a logical map of the entire network to services or control applications implemented on top of it. With SDN, a network operator or third party can introduce a new service or customize network behavior by writing a simple software program that manipulates the logical map of a slice of the network. The rest is taken care of by the network operating system.This view of SDN supports boundless innovation, with a truly modular architecture that allows providers, operators and end users to mix and match the applications, network operating systems, hypervisors and switches they want to best address their requirements. Network managers can finally run applications to manage their network and deliver the unique performance, scale, service and functionality needs for their organization.


而在《SDN白皮书》中是这样描述SDN体系结构的三个特点: In the SDN architecture,the control and data planes are decoupled,network intelligence and state are logically centralized,and the underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from the applications。后续13年底发布的《SDN体系结构概述》中的描述: The aim of SDN is to provide open interfaces enabling development of software that can control the connectivity provided by a set of network resources and the flow of network traffic though them, along with possible inspection and modification of traffic that may be performed in the network.

国内来看,弯曲评论陈首席之前认为(Logically) Centralized Controller是非常有意思的点(Jennifer在自己的课程中也特别认可这一点) ,卫峰谈到SDN的三个本质属性:1.控制与转发分离,2.开放的编程接口,3.集中化的网络控制;@wang_russell博客中的一些列文章阐明了对SDN的理解,谈到本质属性,跟卫峰一个观点。这三种观点都不敢妄加评论, 大家可以比较分析一下。




再次才是“逻辑上的集中控制”,个人认为这一点已经不那么清晰明确了(也可能是自己的局限性,没理解透),尤其再加上Logically这个修饰词,还有Kadoo的local controller的概念,到底(Logically) Centralized Controller在实现层面是怎么操作的?当网络的规模足够庞大时,就需要分布式的控制器集群来作为整个网络的控制面,这是一种层次型的分布式协作系统,还是将巨量的任务分成块来处理?我更愿意把最终的控制面理解成一个逻辑上的a big controller,一边是network global view,另一边是传统软件工程师。


最后,小结一下SDN体系结构:类似PC的开放分层体系结构,data plane逐步通用化,control plane从data plane分离出来,摆脱之前的协议(功能)堆砌,进行抽象且要实现(Logically) Centralized,在控制面内部再次进行分层:NOS和Apps。



The roots of SDN can be traced back to projects such as RCP and 4D. Martin Casado invented SANE and Ethane in 2007 while doing his PhD, co-advised by Nick McKeown (Stanford) and Scott Shenker (Berkeley). Some of the basic SDN ideas can be traced back to SANE and Ethane (separation of control plane from forwarding, programmatic control, or flow-based). The technology really took off at Nicira, where the first versions of NOX and OpenFlow were created, and later the ONIX distributed controller.


问题二:What is OpenFlow?

问题三:What is NOS?

问题四:What is SDN Apps?




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