Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
Question Solution
Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.
Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at most two transactions.
You may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).
1. 从左往右扫描,计算0-i的这个区间的最大利润。方法可以参见股票第一题
2. 从右往左扫描,计算i-len这个区间的最大利润。方法同上。
3. 再从头至尾扫一次,每个节点加上左边和右边的利润。记录最大值。
类似于Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock,可以在O(1)的时间从price[0..j]推出price[0..j+1]的最大profit。
REF: http://blog.csdn.net/pickless/article/details/12034365
1 public int maxProfit(int[] prices) { 2 if (prices == null || prices.length == 0) { 3 return 0; 4 } 5 6 int len = prices.length; 7 int[] left = new int[len]; 8 int[] right = new int[len]; 9 10 int min = prices[0]; 11 left[0] = 0; 12 for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { 13 min = Math.min(min, prices[i]); 14 left[i] = Math.max(left[i - 1], prices[i] - min); 15 } 16 17 int max = prices[len - 1]; 18 right[len - 1] = 0; 19 for (int i = len - 2; i >= 0; i--) { 20 max = Math.max(max, prices[i]); 21 right[i] = Math.max(right[i + 1], max - prices[i]); 22 } 23 24 int rst = 0; 25 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 26 rst = Math.max(rst, left[i] + right[i]); 27 } 28 29 return rst; 30 }
1 public class Solution { 2 public int maxProfit(int[] prices) { 3 if (prices == null) { 4 return 0; 5 } 6 7 int ret = 0; 8 9 int len = prices.length; 10 int[] leftProfile = new int[len]; 11 int profile = 0; 12 13 int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 14 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 15 min = Math.min(min, prices[i]); 16 profile = Math.max(profile, prices[i] - min); 17 leftProfile[i] = profile; 18 } 19 20 int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; 21 profile = 0; 22 for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 23 max = Math.max(max, prices[i]); 24 profile = Math.max(profile, max - prices[i]); 25 26 // sum the left profit and the right profit. 27 ret = Math.max(ret, profile + leftProfile[i]); 28 } 29 30 return ret; 31 } 32 }
1 // DP solution: 2 public int maxProfit(int[] prices) { 3 if (prices == null || prices.length == 0) { 4 return 0; 5 } 6 7 int ret = 0; 8 9 int len = prices.length; 10 int[] leftProfile = new int[len]; 11 12 int min = prices[0]; 13 leftProfile[0] = 0; 14 for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { 15 min = Math.min(min, prices[i]); 16 leftProfile[i] = Math.max(leftProfile[i - 1], prices[i] - min); 17 } 18 19 int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; 20 int profile = 0; 21 for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 22 max = Math.max(max, prices[i]); 23 profile = Math.max(profile, max - prices[i]); 24 25 // sum the left profit and the right profit. 26 ret = Math.max(ret, profile + leftProfile[i]); 27 } 28 29 return ret; 30 }
LeetCode: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 解题报告