为了尽可能演示出Visitor 设计模式的强大之处,在此举一个开发中的场景public abstract class OrderLog{ public string Content {get;set;} public OrderLog(string content){ Content = content; } } public class PlaceOrderLog :OrderLog{ public PlaceOrderLog(string content,string orderedBy):base(content) { OrderedBy = orderedBy; } public string OrderedBy {get;set;} } public class MakePaymentLog :OrderLog{ public MakePaymentLog(string content, string paymentGateway, string payedBy):base(content) { PaymentGateway = paymentGateway; PayedBy = payedBy; } public string PaymentGateway {get;set;} public string PayedBy {get;set;} } public class OrderCompleteLog : OrderLog{ public OrderCompleteLog(string content, DateTime completeDate):base(content) { OrderCompleteDate = completeDate; } public DateTime OrderCompleteDate {get;set;} } public class OrderLogger{ public static OrderLogger Do { get { return new OrderLogger(); } } public IEnumerable<OrderLog> GetLogs(){ return new List<OrderLog>{ new PlaceOrderLog("place order log","ordered by"), new MakePaymentLog("make payment log","paypal", "payedBy"), new OrderCompleteLog("order complete log",DateTime.Now) }; } }
var logs = OrderLogger.Do.GetLogs();
public abstract T Visit<T>(ILogVisitor<T> visitor);
public override T Visit<T>(ILogVisitor<T> visitor){ return visitor.Visit(this); }
public interface ILogVisitor<T>{ T Visit(PlaceOrderLog log); T Visit(MakePaymentLog log); T Visit(OrderCompleteLog log); }
public enum OrderLogColor{Red,Green} public class OrderLogColorVisitor:ILogVisitor<OrderLogColor>{ public OrderLogColor Visit(PlaceOrderLog log){ return OrderLogColor.Red; } public OrderLogColor Visit(MakePaymentLog log){ return OrderLogColor.Green; } public OrderLogColor Visit(OrderCompleteLog log){ return OrderLogColor.Green; } }
var logs = OrderLogger.Do.GetLogs(); ////show colors var colorVisitor = new OrderLogColorVisitor(); foreach(var log in logs){ Console.WriteLine(log.Visit<OrderLogColor>(colorVisitor)); }
Red Green Green
public class OrderLogFormattedVisitor : ILogVisitor <string> { public string Visit(PlaceOrderLog log){ return "this is place order log formatted information "; } public string Visit(MakePaymentLog log){ return "this is make payment log formatted information "; } public string Visit(OrderCompleteLog log){ return "this is order complete log formatted information "; } }
var logs = OrderLogger.Do.GetLogs(); var formatVisitor = new OrderLogFormattedVisitor(); foreach(var log in logs){ Console.WriteLine(log.Visit<string>(formatVisitor)); }
void Main() { var logs = OrderLogger.Do.GetLogs(); ////show colors var colorVisitor = new OrderLogColorVisitor(); foreach(var log in logs){ Console.WriteLine(log.Visit<OrderLogColor>(colorVisitor)); } ////show formatted logs var formatVisitor = new OrderLogFormattedVisitor(); foreach(var log in logs){ Console.WriteLine(log.Visit<string>(formatVisitor)); } } ////team A job public abstract class OrderLog{ public string Content {get;set;} public OrderLog(string content){ Content = content; } public abstract T Visit<T>(ILogVisitor<T> visitor); } public class PlaceOrderLog :OrderLog{ public PlaceOrderLog(string content,string orderedBy):base(content) { OrderedBy = orderedBy; } public string OrderedBy {get;set;} public override T Visit<T>(ILogVisitor<T> visitor){ return visitor.Visit(this); } } public class MakePaymentLog :OrderLog{ public MakePaymentLog(string content, string paymentGateway, string payedBy):base(content) { PaymentGateway = paymentGateway; PayedBy = payedBy; } public string PaymentGateway {get;set;} public string PayedBy {get;set;} public override T Visit<T>(ILogVisitor<T> visitor){ return visitor.Visit(this); } } public class OrderCompleteLog : OrderLog{ public OrderCompleteLog(string content, DateTime completeDate):base(content) { OrderCompleteDate = completeDate; } public DateTime OrderCompleteDate {get;set;} public override T Visit<T>(ILogVisitor<T> visitor){ return visitor.Visit(this); } } public class OrderLogger{ public static OrderLogger Do { get { return new OrderLogger(); } } public IEnumerable<OrderLog> GetLogs(){ return new List<OrderLog>{ new PlaceOrderLog("place order log","ordered by"), new MakePaymentLog("make payment log","paypal", "payedBy"), new OrderCompleteLog("order complete log",DateTime.Now) }; } } ////now team B want a API , return different log color based on different type ////team A give team B a visitor interface , ask them to implement public interface ILogVisitor<T>{ T Visit(PlaceOrderLog log); T Visit(MakePaymentLog log); T Visit(OrderCompleteLog log); } ////team B come out with the implementations public enum OrderLogColor{Red,Green} public class OrderLogColorVisitor:ILogVisitor<OrderLogColor>{ public OrderLogColor Visit(PlaceOrderLog log){ return OrderLogColor.Red; } public OrderLogColor Visit(MakePaymentLog log){ return OrderLogColor.Green; } public OrderLogColor Visit(OrderCompleteLog log){ return OrderLogColor.Green; } } ////in future ////if team B want more , just implement the ILogVisitor interface ////for example : formatted log public class OrderLogFormattedVisitor : ILogVisitor <string> { public string Visit(PlaceOrderLog log){ return "this is place order log formatted information "; } public string Visit(MakePaymentLog log){ return "this is make payment log formatted information "; } public string Visit(OrderCompleteLog log){ return "this is order complete log formatted information "; } } ////whats next ////whenever team B want , he just add more visitor to accept different log types returned from teamA