Go 支持按照条件编译,具体来说它是通过 go/build包 里定义的tags和命名约定来让Go的包可以管理不同平台的代码 。
我们这里以下面这个开源项目为例,来看Go的按条件编译, 这个开源项目是把Go的os包进行了扩展。
osext 是获得当前执行程序的执行目录和文件信息。
我们用go list来查看在当前平台下 os/exec包里有哪些文件将会被编译
这里的 {{.GoFiles}} 是text/template里的模板代码
go list 命令的信息如下:
-json: 使用 json 格式输出包的相关信息,包括下面的依赖和导?。
-f{{.Deps}}: 查看依赖包,包括直接或间接依赖。
-f{{.Imports}}: 查看导入的包。
D:\mycodes\golang\src\bitbucket.org\kardianos\osext>go list -f
flag needs an argument: -f
usage: list [-e] [-f format] [-json] [build flags] [packages]
List lists the packages named by the import paths, one per line.
The default output shows the package import path:
The -f flag specifies an alternate format for the list, using the
syntax of package template. The default output is equivalent to -f
‘{{.ImportPath}}‘. The struct being passed to the template is:
type Package struct {
Dir string // directory containing package sources
ImportPath string // import path of package in dir
ImportComment string // path in import comment on package statement
Name string // package name
Doc string // package documentation string
Target string // install path
Goroot bool // is this package in the Go root?
Standard bool // is this package part of the standard Go library?
Stale bool // would ‘go install‘ do anything for this package?
Root string // Go root or Go path dir containing this package
// Source files
GoFiles []string // .go source files (excluding CgoFiles, TestGoF
iles, XTestGoFiles)
CgoFiles []string // .go sources files that import "C"
IgnoredGoFiles []string // .go sources ignored due to build constraints
CFiles []string // .c source files
CXXFiles []string // .cc, .cxx and .cpp source files
MFiles []string // .m source files
HFiles []string // .h, .hh, .hpp and .hxx source files
SFiles []string // .s source files
SwigFiles []string // .swig files
SwigCXXFiles []string // .swigcxx files
SysoFiles []string // .syso object files to add to archive
// Cgo directives
CgoCFLAGS []string // cgo: flags for C compiler
CgoCPPFLAGS []string // cgo: flags for C preprocessor
CgoCXXFLAGS []string // cgo: flags for C++ compiler
CgoLDFLAGS []string // cgo: flags for linker
CgoPkgConfig []string // cgo: pkg-config names
// Dependency information
Imports []string // import paths used by this package
Deps []string // all (recursively) imported dependencies
// Error information
Incomplete bool // this package or a dependency has an error
Error *PackageError // error loading package
DepsErrors []*PackageError // errors loading dependencies
TestGoFiles []string // _test.go files in package
TestImports []string // imports from TestGoFiles
XTestGoFiles []string // _test.go files outside package
XTestImports []string // imports from XTestGoFiles
The template function "join" calls strings.Join.
The template function "context" returns the build context, defined as:
type Context struct {
GOARCH string // target architecture
GOOS string // target operating system
GOROOT string // Go root
GOPATH string // Go path
CgoEnabled bool // whether cgo can be used
UseAllFiles bool // use files regardless of +build lines,
file names
Compiler string // compiler to assume when computing targ
et paths
BuildTags []string // build constraints to match in +build l
ReleaseTags []string // releases the current release is compat
ible with
InstallSuffix string // suffix to use in the name of the insta
ll dir
For more information about the meaning of these fields see the documentation
for the go/build package‘s Context type.
The -json flag causes the package data to be printed in JSON format
instead of using the template format.
The -e flag changes the handling of erroneous packages, those that
cannot be found or are malformed. By default, the list command
prints an error to standard error for each erroneous package and
omits the packages from consideration during the usual printing.
With the -e flag, the list command never prints errors to standard
error and instead processes the erroneous packages with the usual
printing. Erroneous packages will have a non-empty ImportPath and
a non-nil Error field; other information may or may not be missing
For more about build flags, see ‘go help build‘.
For more about specifying packages, see ‘go help packages‘.
在源代码里添加标注,通常称之为编译标签( build tag) ,编译标签是在尽量靠近源代码文件顶部的地方用注释的方式添加
go build在构建一个包的时候会读取这个包里的每个源文件并且分析编译便签,这些标签决定了这个源文件是否参与本次编译
比如 https://bitbucket.org/kardianos/osext/src 这里的 osext_procfs.go 文件头上的 +build 部分就是。
这里标示 linux netbsd openbsd solaris 这些操作系统下会编译这个文件。
更复杂的编译标签 可以参考: http://blog.csdn.net/varding/article/details/12675971
文件命名约定可以在go/build 包里找到详细的说明,简单来说如果你的源文件包含后缀:_$GOOS.go,那么这个源文件只会在这个平台下编译,_$GOARCH.go也是如此。这两个后缀可以结合在一起使用,但是要注意顺序:_$GOOS_$GOARCH.go, 不能反过来用:_$GOARCH_$GOOS.go
比如 https://bitbucket.org/kardianos/osext/src 这里的文件就是这个规则
osext_plan9.go 只会在 plan9 中编译。
osext_windows.go 只会在windows下编译。
更多请参考: http://blog.csdn.net/varding/article/details/12675971
使用go build 进行条件编译