为了向 STL 致敬(O(∩_∩)O~), 我们模仿STL中的list的迭代器, 我们也自己实现一个MyList的迭代器, 以供遍历整个链表的所有元素:
//链表节点 template <typename Type> class Node { friend class MyList<Type>; friend class ListIterator<Type>; //+ template <typename T> friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MyList<T> &list); private: Node(const Type &dataValue):data(dataValue), next(NULL) {} Type data; //数据域:节点数据 Node *next; //指针域:下一个节点 };
然后:MyList类同样也需要做修改,但是由于MyList类过长, 修改之处也较少, 因此在此就不贴出, 完整代码会附到博客最后
template <typename Type> class ListIterator { public: ListIterator(const MyList<Type> &_list): list(_list), currentNode((_list.first)->next) {} //重载 *operator const Type &operator*() const throw (std::out_of_range); Type &operator*() throw (std::out_of_range); //重载 ->operator const Node<Type> *operator->() const throw (std::out_of_range); Node<Type> *operator->() throw (std::out_of_range); //重载 ++operator ListIterator &operator++() throw (std::out_of_range); //注意:此处返回的是值,而不是reference ListIterator operator++(int) throw (std::out_of_range); bool isEmpty() const; private: const MyList<Type> &list; Node<Type> *currentNode; };
template <typename Type> const Type &ListIterator<Type>::operator*() const throw (std::out_of_range) { if (isEmpty()) throw std::out_of_range("iterator is out of range"); // 返回当前指针指向的内容 return currentNode->data; } template <typename Type> Type &ListIterator<Type>::operator*() throw (std::out_of_range) { //首先为*this添加const属性, //以调用该函数的const版本, //然后再使用const_case, //将该函数调用所带有的const属性转除 //operator->()的non-const版本与此类同 return const_cast<Type &>( static_cast<const ListIterator<Type> &>(*this).operator*() ); }
template <typename Type> const Node<Type> *ListIterator<Type>::operator->() const throw (std::out_of_range) { if (isEmpty()) throw std::out_of_range("iterator is out of range"); //直接返回指针 return currentNode; } template <typename Type> Node<Type> *ListIterator<Type>::operator->() throw (std::out_of_range) { // 见上 return const_cast<Node<Type> *> ( static_cast<const ListIterator<Type> >(*this).operator->() ); }
template <typename Type> ListIterator<Type> &ListIterator<Type>::operator++() throw (std::out_of_range) { if (isEmpty()) throw std::out_of_range("iterator is out of range"); //指针后移 currentNode = currentNode->next; return *this; } template <typename Type> ListIterator<Type> ListIterator<Type>::operator++(int) throw (std::out_of_range) { ListIterator tmp(*this); ++ (*this); //调用前向++版本 return tmp; }
//判空 template <typename Type> bool ListIterator<Type>::isEmpty() const { if (currentNode == NULL) return true; return false; }
int main() { std::list<int> iStdList; MyList<int> iMyList; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { iStdList.push_back(i+1); iMyList.insert(i+1, i+1); } for (std::list<int>::iterator iter = iStdList.begin(); iter != iStdList.end(); ++ iter) { cout << *iter << ‘ ‘; } cout << endl; for (ListIterator<int> iter(iMyList); !iter.isEmpty(); ++ iter) { cout << *iter << ‘ ‘; } cout << endl; cout << "Test: \n\t" << iMyList << endl; ListIterator<int> iter(iMyList); cout << "first = " << *iter << endl; }
//MyList.h #ifndef MYLIST_H_INCLUDED #define MYLIST_H_INCLUDED #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> using namespace std; //前向声明 template <typename Type> class MyList; template <typename Type> class ListIterator; //链表节点 template <typename Type> class Node { //可以将MyList类作为Node的友元 //同时也可以将Node类做成MyList的嵌套类, 嵌套在MyList中, 也可以完成该功能 friend class MyList<Type>; friend class ListIterator<Type>; template <typename T> friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MyList<T> &list); private: //constructor说明: //next = NULL; //因为这是一个新生成的节点, 因此下一个节点为空 Node(const Type &dataValue):data(dataValue), next(NULL) {} Type data; //数据域:节点数据 Node *next; //指针域:下一个节点 }; //链表 template <typename Type> class MyList { template <typename T> friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MyList<T> &list); friend class ListIterator<Type>; public: MyList(); ~MyList(); //将元素插入表头 void insertFront(const Type &data); //将元素插入到位置index上(index从1开始) void insert(const Type &data, int index); //删除表中所有值为data的节点 void remove(const Type &data); bool isEmpty() const; //链表反转 void invort(); //将链表(list)链接到本条链表的末尾 void concatenate(const MyList<Type> &list); private: //指向第一个节点的指针 Node<Type> *first; }; template <typename Type> MyList<Type>::MyList() { //first指向一个空节点 first = new Node<Type>(0); first -> next = NULL; } template <typename Type> MyList<Type>::~MyList() { Node<Type> *deleteNode = NULL; while (first != NULL) { deleteNode = first; first = first -> next; delete deleteNode; } } template <typename Type> void MyList<Type>::insertFront(const Type &data) { Node<Type> *newNode = new Node<Type>(data); newNode -> next = first -> next; first -> next = newNode; } template <typename Type> void MyList<Type>::insert(const Type &data, int index) { //由于我们在表头添加了一个空节点 //因此如果链表为空, 或者在链表为1的位置添加元素 //其操作与在其他位置添加元素相同 int count = 1; //此时searchNode肯定不为NULL Node<Type> *searchNode = first; // 找到要插入的位置 // 如果所给index过大(超过了链表的长度) // 则将该元素插入到链表表尾 // 原因是 searchNode->next != NULL 这个条件已经不满足了 // 已经到达表尾 while (count < index && searchNode->next != NULL) { ++ count; searchNode = searchNode->next; } // 插入链表 Node<Type> *newNode = new Node<Type>(data); newNode->next = searchNode->next; searchNode->next = newNode; } template <typename Type> void MyList<Type>::remove(const Type &data) { if (isEmpty()) return ; Node<Type> *previous = first; //保存要删除节点的前一个节点 for (Node<Type> *searchNode = first->next; searchNode != NULL; searchNode = searchNode->next) { if (searchNode->data == data) { previous->next = searchNode->next; delete searchNode; //重新调整searchNode指针 //继续遍历链表查看是否还有相等元素 //如果当前searchNode已经到达了最后一个节点 //也就是searchNode->next已经等于NULL了, 则下面这条语句不能执行 if (previous->next == NULL) break; searchNode = previous->next; } previous = searchNode; } } template <typename Type> bool MyList<Type>::isEmpty() const { return first->next == NULL; } template <typename Type> void MyList<Type>::concatenate(const MyList<Type> &list) { if (isEmpty())//如果自己的链表为空 { first = list.first; return ; } else if (list.isEmpty()) //如果第二条链表为空 { return ; } Node<Type> *endNode = first->next; //找到第一条链表的末尾节点 while (endNode->next != NULL) { endNode = endNode->next; } //找到第二条链表的第一个真实元素 Node<Type> *secondListNode = (list.first)->next; //注意: 需要将第二个链表中的元素值copy出来 //不能直接将第二条链表的表头链接到第一条链表的表尾 //不然在析构函数回收内存时会发生错误(即:同一段内存释放两次) while (secondListNode != NULL) { Node<Type> *newNode = new Node<Type>(secondListNode->data); newNode->next = NULL; endNode->next = newNode; //两条链表同时前进 endNode = endNode->next; secondListNode = secondListNode->next; } } template <typename Type> void MyList<Type>::invort() { if (!isEmpty()) { //p指向正向链表的第一个真实节点 //随后, p也会沿正方向遍历到链表末尾 Node<Type> *p = first->next; //q会成为倒向的第一个真实节点 //首先将q设置为NULL: 保证反向之后 //最后一个元素的指针域指向NULL, 以表示链表结束 Node<Type> *q = NULL; while (p != NULL) { Node<Type> *r = q; //暂存q当前指向的节点 //q后退(沿着正向后退) q = p; //p前进(沿着正向前进), 保证p能够始终领先q一个位置 p = p -> next; //将指针逆向反转 //注意:一点要保证这条语句在p指针移动之后运行, //不然p就走不了了...(因为q改变了指针的朝向) q -> next = r; } //此时q成为反向链表的第一个真实元素 //但是为了维护像以前一样的first指针指向一个无用的节点(以使前面的操作不会出错) //于是我们需要将first的指针域指向q first->next = q; } } //显示链表中的所有数据(测试用) template <typename Type> ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MyList<Type> &list) { for (Node<Type> *searchNode = list.first -> next; searchNode != NULL; searchNode = searchNode -> next) { os << searchNode -> data; if (searchNode -> next != NULL) //尚未达到链表的结尾 cout << " -> "; } return os; } //ListIterator的设计与实现 template <typename Type> class ListIterator { public: ListIterator(const MyList<Type> &_list): list(_list), currentNode((_list.first)->next) {} //重载 *operator const Type &operator*() const throw (std::out_of_range); Type &operator*() throw (std::out_of_range); //重载 ->operator const Node<Type> *operator->() const throw (std::out_of_range); Node<Type> *operator->() throw (std::out_of_range); //重载 ++operator ListIterator &operator++() throw (std::out_of_range); //注意:此处返回的是值,而不是reference ListIterator operator++(int) throw (std::out_of_range); bool isEmpty() const; private: const MyList<Type> &list; Node<Type> *currentNode; }; template <typename Type> const Type &ListIterator<Type>::operator*() const throw (std::out_of_range) { if (isEmpty()) throw std::out_of_range("iterator is out of range"); // 返回当前指针指向的内容 return currentNode->data; } template <typename Type> Type &ListIterator<Type>::operator*() throw (std::out_of_range) { //首先为*this添加const属性, //以调用该函数的const版本, //然后再使用const_case, //将该函数调用所带有的const属性转除 //operator->()的non-const版本与此类同 return const_cast<Type &>( static_cast<const ListIterator<Type> &>(*this).operator*() ); } template <typename Type> const Node<Type> *ListIterator<Type>::operator->() const throw (std::out_of_range) { if (isEmpty()) throw std::out_of_range("iterator is out of range"); //直接返回指针 return currentNode; } template <typename Type> Node<Type> *ListIterator<Type>::operator->() throw (std::out_of_range) { // 见上 return const_cast<Node<Type> *> ( static_cast<const ListIterator<Type> >(*this).operator->() ); } template <typename Type> ListIterator<Type> &ListIterator<Type>::operator++() throw (std::out_of_range) { if (isEmpty()) throw std::out_of_range("iterator is out of range"); //指针前移 currentNode = currentNode->next; return *this; } template <typename Type> ListIterator<Type> ListIterator<Type>::operator++(int) throw (std::out_of_range) { ListIterator tmp(*this); ++ (*this); //调用前向++版本 return tmp; } template <typename Type> bool ListIterator<Type>::isEmpty() const { if (currentNode == NULL) return true; return false; } #endif // MYLIST_H_INCLUDED