/*测试环境 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64) Apr 2 2010 15:48:46 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) */
--> --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id(‘Tab‘) is null drop table Tab Go Create table Tab([Col1] int,[COl2] nvarchar(5)) Insert Tab select 1,N‘a,b,c‘ union all select 2,N‘d,e‘ union all select 3,N‘f‘ Go
if object_id(‘Tempdb..#Tab‘) is not null drop table #Tab select top 100 ID=Identity(int,1,1) into #Tab from syscolumns a,syscolumns b declare @Str varchar(10)=‘a‘ ;with Cte as ( Select a.Col1,COl2=substring(a.Col2,b.ID,charindex(‘,‘,a.Col2+‘,‘,b.ID)-b.ID) from Tab a,#Tab b where charindex(‘,‘,‘,‘+a.Col2,b.ID)=b.ID --也可用 substring(‘,‘+a.COl2,b.ID,1)=‘,‘ ) select Col1 from Cte where @str=COl2 /* 消息 537,级别 16,状态 3,第 8 行 传递给 LEFT 或 SUBSTRING 函数的长度参数无效。 */
if object_id(‘Tempdb..#Tab‘) is not null drop table #Tab select top 100 ID=Identity(int,1,1) into #Tab from syscolumns a,syscolumns b declare @Str varchar(10)=‘a‘ Select a.Col1 from Tab a,#Tab b where charindex(‘,‘,‘,‘+a.Col2,b.ID)=b.ID --也可用 substring(‘,‘+a.COl2,b.ID,1)=‘,‘ and substring(a.Col2,b.ID,charindex(‘,‘,a.Col2+‘,‘,b.ID)-b.ID) =@Str /* Col1 1 */
if object_id(‘Tempdb..#Tab‘) is not null drop table #Tab select top 100 ID=Identity(int,1,1) into #Tab from syscolumns a,syscolumns b go declare @Str varchar(10)=‘a‘ Select a.Col1 from Tab a,#Tab b where substring(a.Col2,b.ID,charindex(‘,‘,a.Col2+‘,‘,b.ID)-b.ID) =@Str and charindex(‘,‘,‘,‘+a.Col2,b.ID)=b.ID --也可用 substring(‘,‘+a.COl2,b.ID,1)=‘,‘
if object_id(‘Tempdb..#Tab‘) is not null drop table #Tab select top 100 ID=Identity(int,1,1) into #Tab from syscolumns a,syscolumns b go SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON; go --a.查看方法1执行计划 declare @Str varchar(10)=‘a‘ ;with Cte as ( Select a.Col1,COl2=substring(a.Col2,b.ID,charindex(‘,‘,a.Col2+‘,‘,b.ID)-b.ID) from Tab a,#Tab b where charindex(‘,‘,‘,‘+a.Col2,b.ID)=b.ID --也可用 substring(‘,‘+a.COl2,b.ID,1)=‘,‘ ) select Col1 from Cte where @str=COl2 go --b.查看方法2执行计划 declare @Str varchar(10)=‘a‘ Select a.Col1 from Tab a,#Tab b where charindex(‘,‘,‘,‘+a.Col2,b.ID)=b.ID --也可用 substring(‘,‘+a.COl2,b.ID,1)=‘,‘ and substring(a.Col2,b.ID,charindex(‘,‘,a.Col2+‘,‘,b.ID)-b.ID) =@Str go SET SHOWPLAN_ALL off go