<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <div> <textarea name="counttextarea" id="counttextarea" cols="45" rows="5" style="width: 400px;padding: 10px; margin:10px;"></textarea> </div> <div> <span name="countchars" id="countchars">100</span> Characters Remaining. <span name="percent" id="percent"></span> </div> </div>
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<script> $(document).ready(function(){ var totalChars = 100; // Total characters allowed in textarea var countTextBox = $(‘#counttextarea‘); // Textarea input box var charsCountEl = $(‘#countchars‘); // Remaining chars count will be displayed here charsCountEl.text(totalChars); // initial value of countchars element countTextBox.keyup(function() { // user releases a key on the keyboard var thisChars = this.value.replace(/{.*}/g, ‘‘).length; // get chars count in textarea var per = thisChars*100; var value= (per / totalChars); // total percent complete if(thisChars > totalChars){ // if we have more chars than it should be var CharsToDel = (thisChars-totalChars); // total extra chars to delete this.value = this.value.substring(0,this.value.length-CharsToDel); // remove excess chars from textarea }else{ charsCountEl.text( totalChars - thisChars ); // count remaining chars $(‘#percent‘).text(value +‘%‘); } }); }); </script>