Akka working with Future functionally_map方法
package com.usoft; import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts; import akka.dispatch.Futures; import akka.dispatch.Mapper; import akka.dispatch.OnComplete; import akka.dispatch.OnFailure; import akka.dispatch.OnSuccess; import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutorService; import scala.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; /** * Created by liyanxin on 2015/1/8. */ public class FutureDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { // 执行上下文可以自己指定线程池类型 // 需要一个ExecutionContext作为其executor // Future 需要一个ExecutionContext, 它与java.util.concurrent.Executor 很相像. // 如果你在作用域内有一个 ActorSystem , 它可以用system.dispatcher()作 ExecutionContext。 // 你也可以用ExecutionContext // 伴生对象提供的工厂方法来将 Executors 和 ExecutorServices 进行包裹, 或者甚至创建自己的实例. ExecutionContextExecutorService ec = ExecutionContexts. fromExecutorService(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); Future<String> f1 = Futures.future(new Callable<String>() { public String call() throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(5000); //在当前的线程内阻塞5秒 System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " thread end|||f1"); return "Hello" + "World"; } }, ec); /** * 通过map方法 f1 -> f2 * Now we have a second Future, * f2, that will eventually contain an Integer. When our original Future, f1, completes, it will also apply our * function and complete the second Future with its result. When we finally get the result, it will contain the * number 10. Our original Future still contains the string “HelloWorld” and is unaffected by the map. */ Future<Integer> f2 = f1.map(new Mapper<String, Integer>() { public Integer apply(String s) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " thread end|||f1->f2"); return s.length(); } }, ec); f2.onComplete(new OnComplete<Integer>() { @Override public void onComplete(Throwable failure, Integer success) throws Throwable { System.out.print(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " thread end|||"); System.out.println("f2 on complete=" + success); } }, ec); f2.onSuccess(new OnSuccess<Integer>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Integer result) throws Throwable { System.out.print(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " thread end|||"); System.out.println("返回结果的长度=" + result); } }, ec); f2.onFailure(new OnFailure() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable failure) throws Throwable { System.out.print(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " thread end|||"); System.out.println("f2 failure=" + failure.getMessage()); } }, ec); System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " thread end"); } }
main thread end
pool-1-thread-1 thread end|||f1
pool-1-thread-2 thread end|||f1->f2
pool-1-thread-1 thread end|||f2 on complete=10
pool-1-thread-3 thread end|||返回结果的长度=10
Akka working with Future functionally_map方法