标签:style class blog c code java
publicclassMyTabControl:TabControl { protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e){ if(e.Button==System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right){ for(int i =0; i <TabCount;++i)
{ Rectangle r =GetTabRect(i); if(r.Contains(e.Location)/* && it is the header that was clicked*/) { // Change slected index, get the page, create contextual menu
ContextMenu cm =new ContextMenu();
// Add several items to menu cm.MenuItems.Add("hello");
//MenuItem mi =newMenuItem(UNCPath+FilePath);
cm.MenuItems.Add("world!"); cm.Show(this, e.Location); break;} } }base.OnMouseUp(e);} }
//mi.Click+= menu_Click; //事件
void menu_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
put a ContextMenu into the header of a TabPage z,布布扣,bubuko.com
put a ContextMenu into the header of a TabPage z
标签:style class blog c code java