% input image ---> tophat/bottomhat filter ---> image enhancement--->binarization by a histogram based threshold % ---> calculate seed points ---> segmentation or plot edges of blobs ---> count connected components
function [outputImage, number_of_nuclei] = nuclei_counter(sourceImage, threshold) % This script accept an input nuclei image taken under microscope, % then preprocess the image with tophat and bottomhat filter, enhance its % contrast by multiplying gamma. Convert it to binary image with a histogram % based threshold, count the number of connected components and detect edges % of nucleus with LoG filter, then plot edges. Or calculate distance transform % and detect seed points,use watershed algorithm for segmentation. % % flow chart: % input image ---> tophat/bottomhat filter ---> image enhancement--->binarization by a histogram based threshold % ---> calculate seed points ---> segmentation or plot edges of blobs ---> count connected components % % refrence: % * Yousef Al-Kofahi, et al. Improved Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Histopathology Images. % IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 57, NO. 4, APRIL 2010 % * Jos B.T.M, et al, The Watershed Transform: Defnitions, Algorithms and Parallelization Strategies % Fundamenta Informaticae 41 (2001) 187{228 % % Input % sourceImage: 8 bits grayscale image; % threshold: threshold [0 1] for binarization. % % Output: % outputImage: source image with overlayed contour % number_of_nuclei: number of nucleis in image % % If you have any ideas or improvements about this method, welcome to contact me ‘zhyh8341@gmail.com‘. % display original image image = sourceImage; figure;imshow(image); title(‘input image‘); total = numel(image); % apply top hat and bottom hat filter se = strel(‘disk‘,30); tophat = imtophat(image,se); bottomhat = imbothat(image,se); filterImage = image + (tophat - bottomhat); se = strel(‘disk‘,15); tophat = imtophat(filterImage,se); bottomhat = imbothat(filterImage,se); filterImage = filterImage + (tophat - bottomhat); % calculate histogram of filtered image % estimate more than 78.5% area is background (pi/4 = .785) [counts,x] = imhist(filterImage); ssum = cumsum(counts); bg = .215*total; fg = .99*total; low = find(ssum>bg, 1, ‘first‘); high = find(ssum>fg, 1, ‘first‘); adjustedImage = imadjust(filterImage, [low/255 high/255],[0 1],1.8); % image binarization, threshold is choosen based on experience if(nargin < 2) matrix = reshape(adjustedImage,total,1); matrix = sort(matrix); threshold = graythresh(matrix(total*.5:end)); end binarization = im2bw(adjustedImage,threshold); % open image and then detect edge using laplacian of gaussian se2 = strel(‘disk‘,5); afterOpening = imopen(binarization,se2); nsize = 5; sigma = 3; h = fspecial(‘log‘,nsize,sigma); afterLoG = uint8(imfilter(double(afterOpening)*255,h,‘same‘).*(sigma^2)); se2 = strel(‘disk‘,5); afterOpening = imopen(binarization,se2); number_of_nuclei = bwconncomp(afterOpening); % % you can either use watershed method to do segmentation % D = -bwdist(~afterOpening); % D(~afterOpening) = -Inf; % L = watershed(D); outputImage = sourceImage + afterLoG*5; figure;imshow(outputImage); title(‘output image‘);
% this is just an example to show how to use this function % read an image I = imread(‘img01.JPG‘); % convert it to grayscale of just take one channel % Igray = rgb2gray(I); Iblue = I(:,:,3); % call the nuclei counter function [outputImage, number_of_nuclei] = nuclei_counter(Iblue);