#define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 50 typedef enum { DG, UDG } GraphType; typedef char VertexType; //表节点 typedef struct ArcNode { int adjvex; //邻接节点 int weight; //边权重 struct ArcNode *nextarc; //下一个节点指针 } ArcNode, *ArcPtr; //头节点 typedef struct { VertexType vexdata; int id; ArcPtr firstarc; } VNode; //头节点数组 typedef struct { VNode vertices[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; int vexnum, arcnum; GraphType type; } ALGraph;
(3) 输入所有顶点的字符信息,并初始化所有链表的头指针为空指针NULL。
(4) 输入边的信息,生成边表结点,建立图的邻接表,注意区分是图的类型,另外,如果是有权图,邻接矩阵保存其边的权重,这里是无权图
void create_AG(ALGraph *AG) { ArcPtr p; int i, j, k, type; VertexType v1, v2; printf("Please input graph type UG(0) or UDG(1) :"); scanf("%d", &type); if (type == 0) AG->type = DG; else if (type == 1) AG->type = UDG; else { printf("Please input correct graph type UG(0) or UDG(1)!"); return; } printf("please input vexnum:"); scanf("%d", &AG->vexnum); printf("please input arcnum:"); scanf("%d", &AG->arcnum); getchar(); for (i = 1; i <= AG->vexnum; i++) { printf("please input the %dth vex(char) : ", i); scanf("%c", &AG->vertices[i].vexdata); getchar(); AG->vertices[i].firstarc = NULL; } for (k = 1; k <= AG->arcnum; k++) { printf("please input the %dth arc v1(char) v2(char) :", k); scanf("%c %c", &v1, &v2); i = getIndexOfVexs(v1, AG); j = getIndexOfVexs(v2, AG); //根据图的类型创建邻接表 if (AG->type == DG) { //有向图 p = (ArcPtr) malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex = j; p->nextarc = AG->vertices[i].firstarc; AG->vertices[i].firstarc = p; } else { //无向图 p = (ArcPtr) malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex = j; p->nextarc = AG->vertices[i].firstarc; AG->vertices[i].firstarc = p; p = (ArcPtr) malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex = i; p->nextarc = AG->vertices[j].firstarc; AG->vertices[j].firstarc = p; } getchar(); } }算法说明:
/* ============================================================================ Name : ALGraph.c Author : Version : Copyright : Your copyright notice Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style ============================================================================ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 50 typedef enum { DG, UDG } GraphType; typedef char VertexType; //表节点 typedef struct ArcNode { int adjvex; //邻接节点 int weight; //边权重 struct ArcNode *nextarc; //下一个节点指针 } ArcNode, *ArcPtr; //头节点 typedef struct { VertexType vexdata; int id; ArcPtr firstarc; } VNode; //头节点数组 typedef struct { VNode vertices[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; int vexnum, arcnum; GraphType type; } ALGraph; /** * 根据顶点字符得到在顶点数组中的下标 */ int getIndexOfVexs(char vex, ALGraph *AG) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= AG->vexnum; i++) { if (AG->vertices[i].vexdata == vex) { return i; } } return 0; } /** * 创建邻接表 */ void create_AG(ALGraph *AG) { ArcPtr p; int i, j, k, type; VertexType v1, v2; printf("Please input graph type UG(0) or UDG(1) :"); scanf("%d", &type); if (type == 0) AG->type = DG; else if (type == 1) AG->type = UDG; else { printf("Please input correct graph type UG(0) or UDG(1)!"); return; } printf("please input vexnum:"); scanf("%d", &AG->vexnum); printf("please input arcnum:"); scanf("%d", &AG->arcnum); getchar(); for (i = 1; i <= AG->vexnum; i++) { printf("please input the %dth vex(char) : ", i); scanf("%c", &AG->vertices[i].vexdata); getchar(); AG->vertices[i].firstarc = NULL; } for (k = 1; k <= AG->arcnum; k++) { printf("please input the %dth arc v1(char) v2(char) :", k); scanf("%c %c", &v1, &v2); i = getIndexOfVexs(v1, AG); j = getIndexOfVexs(v2, AG); //根据图的类型创建邻接表 if (AG->type == DG) { //有向图 p = (ArcPtr) malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex = j; p->nextarc = AG->vertices[i].firstarc; AG->vertices[i].firstarc = p; } else { //无向图 p = (ArcPtr) malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex = j; p->nextarc = AG->vertices[i].firstarc; AG->vertices[i].firstarc = p; p = (ArcPtr) malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex = i; p->nextarc = AG->vertices[j].firstarc; AG->vertices[j].firstarc = p; } getchar(); } } /** * 输出图的相关信息 */ void print_AG(ALGraph AG) { ArcPtr p; int i; if (AG.type == DG) { printf("Graph type: Direct graph\n"); } else { printf("Graph type: Undirect graph\n"); } printf("Graph vertex number: %d\n", AG.vexnum); printf("Graph arc number: %d\n", AG.arcnum); printf("Vertex set :\n"); for (i = 1; i <= AG.vexnum; i++) printf("%c\t", AG.vertices[i].vexdata); printf("\nAdjacency List:\n"); for (i = 1; i <= AG.vexnum; i++) { printf("%d", i); p = AG.vertices[i].firstarc; while (p != NULL) { printf("-->%d", p->adjvex); p = p->nextarc; } printf("\n"); } } int main(void) { ALGraph AG; create_AG(&AG); print_AG(AG); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Please input graph type UG(0) or UDG(1) :1 please input vexnum:4 please input arcnum:4 please input the 1th vex(char) : a please input the 2th vex(char) : b please input the 3th vex(char) : c please input the 4th vex(char) : d please input the 1th arc v1(char) v2(char) :a b please input the 2th arc v1(char) v2(char) :a c please input the 3th arc v1(char) v2(char) :a d please input the 4th arc v1(char) v2(char) :b d Graph type: Undirect graph Graph vertex number: 4 Graph arc number: 4 Vertex set : a b c d Adjacency List: 1-->4-->3-->2 2-->4-->1 3-->1 4-->2-->1