Modeling Nonsoftware Things
Sometimes, the things you model may never have an analog in software. For example, the people who send invoices and the robots that automatically package orders for shipping from a warehouse might be a part of the workflow you model in a retail system. Your application might not have any software that represents them (unlike customers in the example above, since your system will probably want to maintain information about them).
To model nonsoftware things,
1.Model the thing you are abstracting as a class.
2.If you want to distinguish these things from the UML’s defined building blocks,create a new building block by using stereotypes to specify these new semantics and to give a distinctive visual cue.
3.If the thing you are modeling is some kind of hardware that itself contains software, consider modeling it as a kind of node as well, so that you can further expand on its structure.
Note: The UML is mainly intended for modeling software-intensive systems, although, in conjunction with textual hardware modeling languages, such as VHDL, the UML can be quite expressive for modeling hardware systems. The OMG has also produced a UML extension called SysML intended for systems modeling.
As Figure 4-11 shows, it’s perfectly normal to abstract humans (like AccountsReceivableAgent ) and hardware (like Robot ) as classes, because each represents a set of objects with a common structure and a common behavior.