Have you made money this year?今年你赚钱了吗?(make money,赚钱),
I have only made a little bit money.可怜的我只赚了一点小钱(make a little money赚一点小钱),But one of my friends has made a big money in stock market.但我一个好朋友在股市里赚翻了(make a big money赚翻了),
He is a person who is made of money now.他现在是一个有钱人呢(be made of money非常有钱,非常富裕)!
He can make the money fly.他可以挥金如土了(make the money fly挥金如土)。
I envy him,if I marry money我有点羡慕嫉妒恨哦,如果我嫁给有钱人(marry money,为钱而结婚,嫁给有钱人),
I will have money to burn.我也会有花不完的钱(have money to burn,有花不完的钱),But I don‘t think marry money will be happy.但我认为为钱而结婚并不能幸福,
Even though money talks.虽然钱是万能的,But I‘m not a lady who spend money like water.但我不是那种花钱如流水的女人(spend money like water花钱如流水,这个很形象哦),
It‘s enough for me when I have enough pocket money to spend.有足够的零花钱我就很满足了。(pocket money,零花钱)
年关将近,劫匪猖獗!如果有抢劫犯对你说:Your money or your life?要钱还是要命?你最好说:Take my money ,spare my life.把钱拿去吧,饶命。 want money no,want life one!千万别说:要钱没有,要命一条!