标签:hadoop-2.4.1 源代码 inputformat recordreader inputsplit
public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext job) throws IOException { //以纳秒为单位测试执行的时间 Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch().start(); //取特定格式的最小分片大小和mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize设置的值二者中的较大者,默认为1 long minSize = Math.max(getFormatMinSplitSize(), getMinSplitSize(job)); //参数mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize的值,默认为Long.MAX_VAULE long maxSize = getMaxSplitSize(job); // generate splits List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); //获取作业的输入文件 List<FileStatus> files = listStatus(job); for (FileStatus file: files) { Path path = file.getPath(); long length = file.getLen(); if (length != 0) { BlockLocation[] blkLocations; //获取file表示的文件所属块的位置 if (file instanceof LocatedFileStatus) { blkLocations = ((LocatedFileStatus) file).getBlockLocations(); } else { FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(job.getConfiguration()); blkLocations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(file, 0, length); } if (isSplitable(job, path)) { //获取文件块大小 long blockSize = file.getBlockSize(); //计算InputSplit大小,通常返回的值为dfs.blocksize的值 long splitSize = computeSplitSize(blockSize, minSize, maxSize); long bytesRemaining = length; //若剩余值大于1.1*splitSize,则继续对文件划分,若小于等于该值,则做为一个InputSplit //也就是说每个InputSplit的最大值为1.1*splitSize,最小文件至少大于0.1*splitSize while (((double) bytesRemaining)/splitSize > SPLIT_SLOP) { //计算文件分块的索引,此处只计算InputSplit的起始位置是否位于某个块中 //而不管InputSplit的大小是否会超出该块的范围(InputSplit是逻辑概念) int blkIndex = getBlockIndex(blkLocations, length-bytesRemaining); //起始位置为0,splitSize,2splitSize……,length为splitSize splits.add(makeSplit(path, length-bytesRemaining, splitSize, blkLocations[blkIndex].getHosts())); bytesRemaining -= splitSize; } if (bytesRemaining != 0) { int blkIndex = getBlockIndex(blkLocations, length-bytesRemaining); splits.add(makeSplit(path, length-bytesRemaining, bytesRemaining, blkLocations[blkIndex].getHosts())); } } else { // not splitable splits.add(makeSplit(path, 0, length, blkLocations[0].getHosts())); } } else { //Create empty hosts array for zero length files splits.add(makeSplit(path, 0, length, new String[0])); } } // Save the number of input files for metrics/loadgen //设置mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.numinputfiles的值为输入文件的数量 job.getConfiguration().setLong(NUM_INPUT_FILES, files.size()); sw.stop(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Total # of splits generated by getSplits: " + splits.size() + ", TimeTaken: " + sw.elapsedMillis()); } return splits; }
//定位到该FileSplit在输入文件中的起始位置 fileIn.seek(start); in = new SplitLineReader(fileIn, job, this.recordDelimiterBytes); filePosition = fileIn; // If this is not the first split, we always throw away first record // because we always (except the last split) read one extra line in // next() method. //如果不是第一个split(第一个split的start为输入文件的开头,即0),则忽略该split中第一个换行符及之前的数据 //这些数据可能是一整行数据,可能是一行数据的部分内容,也可能仅是换行符本身 if (start != 0) { //readLine从fileIn读取到换行符(CR,LF以及CRLF)的长度 //然后将start定位到下一行的开始 start += in.readLine(new Text(), 0, maxBytesToConsume(start)); } this.pos = start;
int newSize = 0; // We always read one extra line, which lies outside the upper // split limit i.e. (end - 1) //此处将读取下一个InputSplit的数据直到换行符,所以initialize需要将下一个InputSplit中第一个换行符之前的内容去掉 while (getFilePosition() <= end || in.needAdditionalRecordAfterSplit()) { newSize = in.readLine(value, maxLineLength, Math.max(maxBytesToConsume(pos), maxLineLength)); pos += newSize; if (newSize < maxLineLength) { break; } // line too long. try again LOG.info("Skipped line of size " + newSize + " at pos " + (pos - newSize)); }
标签:hadoop-2.4.1 源代码 inputformat recordreader inputsplit