unit AuthenticodeGenerate; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, ExtCtrls, Graphics; function GenerateAuthenticode(const Img: TImage; const Len: Integer = 4): string; implementation const cCharDigitArrayLen = 6; cCharDigitArray : array[0..cCharDigitArrayLen - 1] of Char = (‘3‘, ‘4‘, ‘5‘, ‘6‘, ‘7‘, ‘8‘); cCharLowerLetterArrayLen = 13; cCharLowerLetterArray: array[0..cCharLowerLetterArrayLen - 1] of Char = (‘b‘, ‘c‘, ‘e‘, ‘h‘, ‘j‘, ‘k‘, ‘m‘, ‘n‘, ‘s‘, ‘t‘, ‘v‘, ‘w‘, ‘y‘); cCharUpperLetterArrayLen = 19; cCharUpperLetterArray: array[0..cCharUpperLetterArrayLen - 1] of Char = (‘A‘, ‘B‘, ‘C‘, ‘E‘, ‘F‘, ‘G‘, ‘H‘, ‘J‘, ‘K‘, ‘L‘, ‘M‘, ‘N‘, ‘P‘, ‘Q‘, ‘R‘, ‘S‘, ‘V‘, ‘W‘, ‘Y‘); cArrayTypeNum = 3; cFontNameNum = 5; cFontNameArray: array[0..cFontNameNum - 1] of string = (‘Arial‘, ‘Tahoma‘, ‘宋体‘, ‘幼圆‘, ‘微软雅黑‘); function TwistImage(const SrcBmp: TBitmap; XDir: Boolean; MultFactor: Double; Phase: Double; SinTrick: Boolean): TBitmap; const cTwicePi = 6.283185; var BaseAxisLen : Double; I, J : Integer; DestX, DestY: Double; OldX, OldY : Integer; Color : TColor; begin Result := TBitmap.Create; Result.SetSize(SrcBmp.Width, SrcBmp.Height); if XDir then BaseAxisLen := Result.Height else BaseAxisLen := Result.Width; for I := 0 to Result.Width - 1 do begin for J := 0 to Result.Height - 1 do begin if XDir then DestX := (cTwicePi * J) / BaseAxisLen else DestX := (cTwicePi * I) / BaseAxisLen; if SinTrick then begin DestX := DestX + Phase; DestY := Sin(DestX); end else begin DestX := DestX + Phase; DestY := Cos(DestX); end; if XDir then begin OldX := I + Round(DestY * MultFactor); OldY := J; end else begin OldX := I; OldY := J + Round(DestY * MultFactor); end; Color := SrcBmp.Canvas.Pixels[I, J]; if (OldX >= 0) and (OldX < Result.Width) and (OldY >= 0) and (OldY < Result.Height) then Result.Canvas.Pixels[OldX, OldY] := Color; end; end; end; procedure NoiseImage(const Img: TImage); const cNoiseLineNum = 5; cNoisePointNum = 50; var I: Integer; X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin for I := 0 to cNoiseLineNum - 1 do begin Img.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid; case Random(3) of 0: Img.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; 1: Img.Canvas.Pen.Color := clGray; else Img.Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver; end; X := Random(Img.Width); Y := Random(Img.Height); Img.Canvas.MoveTo(X, Y); Img.Canvas.LineTo(X + Random(Img.Width - X), Y + Random(Img.Height - Y)); end; for I := 0 to cNoisePointNum - 1 do begin case Random(3) of 0: Img.Canvas.Pixels[Random(Img.Width), Random(Img.Height)] := clBlack; 1: Img.Canvas.Pixels[Random(Img.Width), Random(Img.Height)] := clGray; else Img.Canvas.Pixels[Random(Img.Width), Random(Img.Height)] := clSilver; end; end; end; function GenerateCharacterAuthenticode(const Img: TImage; const Len: Integer = 4): string; var I: Integer; V: Char; X: Integer; Y: Integer; L: Integer; begin Result := ‘‘; for I := 0 to Len - 1 do begin case Random(cArrayTypeNum) of 0: begin V := cCharDigitArray[Random(cCharDigitArrayLen)]; Result := Result + V; end; 1: begin V := cCharLowerLetterArray[Random(cCharLowerLetterArrayLen)]; Result := Result + V; end; else begin V := cCharUpperLetterArray[Random(cCharUpperLetterArrayLen)]; Result := Result + V; end; end; end; L := 2 + Random(2); Img.Picture := nil; for I := 0 to Length(Result) - 1 do begin Img.Canvas.Font.Size := Random(5) + 17; Img.Canvas.Font.Color := RGB(Random(256) and $C0, Random(256) and $C0, Random(256) and $C0); case Random(3) of 0: Img.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; 1: Img.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsItalic]; end; Img.Canvas.Font.Name := cFontNameArray[Random(cFontNameNum)]; X := Random(4) + L; Y := Random(2) + 4; Img.Canvas.TextOut(X, Y, Result[I + 1]); L := X + Img.Canvas.TextWidth(Result[I + 1]) + Random(2); end; if Random(2) = 0 then begin if Random(2) = 0 then Img.Picture.Bitmap := TwistImage(Img.Picture.Bitmap, True, 8 + Random(3), 1 + Random(2), True) else Img.Picture.Bitmap := TwistImage(Img.Picture.Bitmap, False, 8 + Random(3), 1 + Random(2), True); end else begin if Random(2) = 0 then Img.Picture.Bitmap := TwistImage(Img.Picture.Bitmap, True, 8 + Random(3), 1 + Random(2), False) else Img.Picture.Bitmap := TwistImage(Img.Picture.Bitmap, False, 8 + Random(3), 1 + Random(2), False); end; NoiseImage(Img); end; function GenerateAuthenticode(const Img: TImage; const Len: Integer): string; begin Result := GenerateCharacterAuthenticode(Img, Len); end; initialization Randomize; end.
uses AuthenticodeGenerate; procedure TfrmMain.btnTestClick(Sender: TObject); begin lbl1.Caption := GenerateAuthenticode(img1); end;
1)、为减少识别难度,去掉了几个不易识别的字符如 1、I 等;