标签:leetcode stack data structure
Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.
class MinStack { public: void push(int x) { int n = min.size(); data.push(x); if(n==0) { min.push_back(x); count.push_back(1); } else { int t = min[n-1]; if(t>x) { min.push_back(x); count.push_back(1); } else { count[n-1]++; } } } void pop() { int n = min.size()-1; data.pop(); if(count[n]>1) count[n]--; else { min.pop_back(); count.pop_back(); } } int top() { return data.top(); } int getMin() { int n = min.size()-1; return min[n]; } private: stack<int> data; vector<int> min; vector<int> count; };
标签:leetcode stack data structure