Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string.
Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative.
class Solution { public: string multiply(string num1, string num2) { if(num1=="0" || num2=="0") return "0"; int n = num1.length(); int m = num2.length(); if(n<m) return multiply(num2,num1); string temp; string res = ""; int i,j=m-1,count; int num0 = 0; while(j>=0) { temp = ""; count = 0; i=n-1; while(i>=0) { count = count + (num1[i]-48)*(num2[j]-48); temp = temp + (char)(count%10+48); count = count/10; i--; } if(count!=0) temp = temp + (char)(count+48); int low = 0; int high = temp.length()-1; while(low<high) swap(temp,low++,high--); for(int i=0; i<num0; i++) temp= temp + "0"; res = add(res,temp); num0++; j--; } return res; } void swap(string& s, int i, int j) { char t = s[i]; s[i] = s[j]; s[j] = t; } string add(string a, string b) { string res=""; int n = a.length(); int m = b.length(); if(n==0) return b; if(m==0) return a; int i=n-1,j=m-1; int count = 0; while(i>=0 || j>=0) { if(i<0) { count = count + b[j]-48; res = res + (char)(count%10 + 48); count = count/10; j--; } else if(j<0) { count = count + a[i]-48; res = res + (char)(count%10 + 48); count = count/10; i--; } else { count = count + (a[i]-48)+(b[j]-48); res = res + (char)(count%10 + 48); count = count/10; j--; i--; } } if(count!=0) res = res + (char)(count+48); int low = 0; int high = res.length()-1; while(low<high) swap(res,low++,high--); return res; } };